Ron Hess Home Page Projects Professional Summary Active Mines Map

Ronald H. Hess

Geographer and Prospector
Geographic Information Systems Specialist
Certified Mapping Scientist, GIS/LIS (ASPRS) (Ret)

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Chief Information Officer, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (2007-2011)
Geographer/Geographic Information Systems Specialist, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (1989-2011)
Geologic Technician/Geologic Information Specialist, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (1985-1989)
Executive Secretary, Nevada State Mapping Advisory Committee (1989-2011)
Nevada representative, Western Governors Association Geographic Information Council (2001-2010)
Nevada representative, National States Geographic Information Council (1992-2011)
Board of Directors, GIS Certification Institute (2006-2008)
Chairman, Risk Assessment Subcommittee of the Nevada Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (2004-2005)



Hess, R.H., 2018, The History of the Hess House, Reno and Sparks, Nevada, 6 p.

Hess, R.H., 2017, Book Review of "Historical Archaeology in the Cortez Mining District - Under the Nevada Giant, 2016, by Obermayr, E. and McQueen, R. W.", reviewed in "Nevada in the West", 2017, Vol. 8 No. 1, p. 38-40.

Hess, R.H., 2013, Google KML file compilation for the Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society Google Earth Technical Workshop: Reno, Nevada, March 21, 2013. Click here for a zip compressed file containing some of the mineral resource files converted to KML format and other referenced Web links discussed at the workshop (17 Mb zip file).

Hess, R.H., Henson, M.A., Davis, D.A., Limerick, S.H., Siewe, S.S., and Niles, M., 2011, Oil and Gas Well Information for Nevada-2011 Update: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 11-6, portable hard drive-105GB, or accessed online.

Hess, R.H. and Davis, D., 2010, Nevada Active Mines and Energy Producers: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Map 170, 1:1,000,000 scale map. Click here for reduced file size version. For the complete GIS data set for this map click here (104 Mb zip file).

Hess, R.H., Henson, M., Davis, D., Meeuwig, R.O., Scott, K.A., and Boldi, K., compilers, 2010, NBMG Mining District File Collection with Index, Search Engine, and Other Nevada Mineral-and Energy-related Files (2nd edition, 2010), Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 10-8, portable hard drive. For online version click here.

Hess, R.H. and Davis, D., 2010, Nevada Active Mines and Energy Producers with Mining District Names: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 10-5, 1:1,000,000 scale map. Click here for reduced file size version. GIS data sets for this map are contained in the Map 170 GIS data set (104 Mb zip file).

Shevenell, L., Price, J.G., and Hess, R.H., 2012, Data Tables and Graphs of Geothermal Power Production in Nevada, 1985-2011, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 12-3, zip file containing report and MS Excel spreadsheet.

Price, J.G., Hastings, J.T., Goar, L.D., Armeno, H., Johnson, G., dePolo, C.M., Hess, R.H., and Ballard, C.M., 2010, Sensitivity analysis of loss-estimation modeling using uncertainties in earthquake parameters: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, v. 16, no. 4, p. 357-367.

Hess, R.H.and Shevenell, L., 2009, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2008: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2008, p. 142-150.

Davis, D. and Hess, R.H., 2009, Nevada Geothermal Well Index (NVGEOWEL) - 2009, wells listed by increasing township, range, and section: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, List L-5, 65 pages.

Hess, R.H., Henson, M., Davis, D.A., Meeuwig, R.O., Scott, K.A., and Boldi, K., compilers, 2008, NBMG Mining District File Collection with Index and Search Engine: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 07-6, portable hard drive. Superseded by 2nd edition, 2010, Open-File Report 10-8.

Hess, R.H., 2008, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2007: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2007, p. 142-154.

Hess, R.H., 2007, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2006: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2006, p. 70-77.

LaPointe,D.D., Price, J.G., and Hess, R.H., 2007, Assessment of the Potential for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration with Enhanced Oil Recovery in Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 07-7, 24 pages, full report with GIS files available online as a zip file.

Sturmer, D.M., LaPointe,D.D., Price, J.G., and Hess, R.H., 2007, Assessment of the Potential for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Reactions with Rocks in Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Report 52, 46 pages, full report with GIS files available online as a zip file.

Garside, L.J. and Hess, R.H., 2007, Petroleum data map of Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Map 162, full report with GIS files available online as a large zip file - 115 Mb.

Garside, L.J. and Hess, R.H., 2007, Qualitative Petroleum Potential Map of Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 11-2, explanatory text.

Hess, R.H., 2006, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2005: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2005, p. 59-66.

Hess, R.H., dePolo, C.M., 2006, Loss-Estimation Modeling of Earthquake Scenarios for Each County in Nevada Using HAZUS-MH: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 06-1, 517 pages.

Hess, R.H. and Price, J.G., 2006, Potential Resources Associated with Proposed Roadless Areas in Nevada (Second Edition), Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 06-12, 17 plates and one poster.

Price, J.G., Garside, L.J., Hess, R.H., Shevenell, L., Muntean, J., Morris, C., and Coyner, A., 2006, Mineral- and energy-resource potential for White Pine County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 06-5, poster.

Price, J.G., Garside, L.J., Hess, R.H., Shevenell, L., Muntean, J., Morris, C., and Coyner, A., 2006, Mineral- and energy-resource potential for Pershing County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 06-6, poster.

Price, J.G., Garside, L.J., Hess, R.H., Shevenell, L., Muntean, J., Morris, C., and Coyner, A., 2006, Mineral- and energy-resource potential for Lyon County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 06-7, poster.

Hess, R.H., 2005, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2004: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2004, p. 57-63.

Price, J.G., Hess, R.H., Fitch, S., Faulds, J.E, Garside, L.J., Shevenell, L., Warren, S., 2005, Preliminary Assessment of the Potential for Carbon Dioxide Disposal by Sequestration in Geological Settings in Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 51, 39 pages. A full compilation of all data sets used to produce this report is available for download as a large zip file - 189Mb.

Chaney, R.L., Johnson, G.L., and Hess, R.H., 2005, Digital GIS conversion of plate 1 (Geology of the Northern Carlin Trend by Steve Moore) and plate 2 (Geology of the Maggie Creek District by John W. Norby) from NBMG Bulletin 111, Gold Deposits of the Carlin Trend: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 04-9, CD-ROM.

Hess, R.H., 2004, Nevada Oil and Gas Well Database (NVOILWEL), Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 04-1, 242 p., zipped dBASE III+ file format.

Hess, R.H., 2004, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2003: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2003, p. 55-61.

dePolo, C.M., Ramelli, A.R., Hess, R.H., and Anderson, J.G., 2003, Reevaluation of Pre-1900 Earthquakes in Western Nevada, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 03-3, 218 p.

Hess, R.H., 2003, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2002: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2002, p. 48-54.

Hess, R.H., 2002, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2001: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2001, p. 46-51.

Hess, R.H. and Dennis, M.D., 2002, Nevada Geologic Map Index Update - 2001, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 2002-01, CD-ROM, Also available online as a large zip file - 18 Mb. For online text version of this index click here.

Hess, R.H., 2001, Nevada Oil and Gas Well Database Map, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 2001-07, available online as a large zip file - 195 Mb.

Hess, R.H., 2001, Nevada Abandoned Mines Database Update, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 2001-03, available online as a large zip file - 117 Mb.

Hess, R.H., 2001, Nevada Remote Sensing Workshop for State and Government Agencies, May 17, 2001; workbook compilation, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology.

Hess, R.H., 2001, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 2000: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-2000, p. 43-47.

Hess, R.H., 2001, Nevada State Mapping Advisory Committee: Recent Activities and Coordination Efforts, Abstract in Proceedings of the 11th Annual Nevada State GIS Conference, Reno, Nevada.

Ponce, D.A. and Plouff, D., 2001, Vya Sheet, Bouguer Gravity Map of Nevada , Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Map 128, 1:250,000 scale map.

DePolo, C.M., Ramelli, A.R., Hess, R.H., Anderson, J.G., 2001, Reevaluation of Pre-1900 Earthquakes in Western Nevada, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Technical Report, 208 p.

Hess, R.H., 2000, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1999: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1999, p. 44-48.

Shevenell, L., Garside, L.J., and Hess, R.H., 2000, Nevada Geothermal Resources, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Map 126, 1:1,000,000 scale map.

Hess, R.H., 1999, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1998: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1998, p. 42-44.

Soller, D.R., Duncan, I., Ellis, G., Giglierano, J., and Hess, R., 1999, Proposed Guidelines for Inclusion of Digital Map Products in the National Geologic Map Database, in Digital Mapping Techniques '99-Workshop Proceedings, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-386, p. 35-38.

Hess, R.H., 1998, Procedure to update transportation map of the Bedell Flat, Nevada, quadrangle from high resolution satellite imagery [M.S. Thesis]: University of Nevada, Reno, 55 p.

Hess, R.H., Tingley, J.V., and Bonham, H.F., 1997, Major Precious-Metal Deposits, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1996: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1996, p. 24-37.

Hess, R.H., 1997, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1996: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1996, p. 42-43.

Hess, R.H. and Johnson, G., 1996, County Digital Mapping Project, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 97-1, CD-ROM, Also available online as a large zip file - 134 Mb.

Hess, R.H. and Johnson, G., 1996, Nevada Abandoned Mines Database Compilation Project, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 96-4, CD-ROM. SUPERSEDED BY: Hess, R.H., 2001, Nevada Abandoned Mines Database Update, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 2001-03, available online as a large zip file - 117 Mb.

Bonham, H.F., and Hess, R.H., 1996, Major Precious-Metal Deposits, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1995: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1995, p. 21-34.

Hess, R.H., 1996, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1995: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1995, p. 38-40.

Hess, R.H., 1996, Nevada Oil and Gas Wells, 1907-1996 , Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 96-6, map, 1:1,000,000 scale, 28 Mb pdf file. Updates plate one of "Oil and Gas Developments in Nevada", Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 104, 1988.

Bonham, H.F., and Hess, R.H., 1995, Major Precious-Metal Deposits, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1994: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1994, p. 23-35.

Hess, R.H., 1995, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1994: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1994, p. 48-50.

Garside, L.J. and Hess, R.H., 1994, Nevada Geothermal Resource Use - 1993 Update, in Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin, July 1994, Vol. 15, No. 4, p. 1-8.

Hess, R.H. and Garside, L.J., 1994, Geothermal Energy, in The Nevada Mineral Industry 1993: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1993, p. 49-56.

Garside, L.J. and Hess, R.H., 1994, Nevada Geothermal Resource Use - 1993 Update, in Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin, February 1994, p. 47-54.

Hess, R.H. and Meeuwig, R., 1994, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Online Information Directory: Nevada Geology, Quarterly Newsletter of the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, no. 25, Winter 1994.

Rigby, J.G., Price, J.G., Christensen, L.G., LaPointe, D.D., Ramelli, A.R., Desilets, M.O., Hess, R.H., and Marshall, S.R., 1994, Radon in Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 108, 76 p.

Hess, R.H., 1992, NBMG's GIS Lab: Nevada Geology, Quarterly Newsletter of the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Winter 1992.

Hess, R.H., 1991, Nevada Oil and Gas Source Rock Data Base, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 92-5, 29 p.

Garside, L.J., Hess, R.H., Fleming, K.L., Weimer, B.S., 1988, Oil and Gas Developments in Nevada, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 104, 136 p., 1 plate.

Hess, R.H., field trip chair, Weimer, B., Faust, G., and Tracy, M., 1987, Mining History and Place Names of the Comstock Area, Nevada; A Field Trip Guidebook, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 87-6, 55 p.

Hess, R.H., Loomis, K.A., Garside, L.J., 1986, Nevada Petroleum Production Statistics, 1954-1986, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 86-13, 14 p.



Awarded Certificate in Metal Detecting Ethics Training as administered by the Task Force for Metal Detecting Rights Foundation, August 17, 2014.

Co-Hosted Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society Google Earth Technical Workshop highlighting applications for the Mineral and Petroleum Industry, Reno, Nevada, March 21, 2013.

Supervised, from 1999 to 2011, the digital conversion, archiving, and placement online of over 25,000 Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Mining District Files and other documents which consisted largely of historic and current maps, reports, articles, photographs, correspondence, assays, production reports, oil and gas reports, and reserve information on all aspects of mining and geology in Nevada.

Project Coordinator and PI, Nevada oil and gas well log and document digital conversion project. All of Nevada's non-digital oil well logs and well documents were scanned during the summer of 2011 via a grant from the AAPG-OSU GIS Consortium funded by OSU alumni Boone Pickens.

Received HAZUS-MH Best Practices: Earthquake Analysis Award, presented at the First Annual HAZUS-MH National User Conference, June 2007, San Diego, California.

Authored the Geothermal Energy Section in the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology annual Nevada Mineral Industry Report (MI) for 19 years.

Developed a HAZUS-MH earthquake and flood modeling software user group (NVHUG) for Nevada.

Hosted Nevada Petroleum Society Workshop on Arcview GIS with applications for the Mineral and Petroleum Industry, Reno, Nevada, January 9-10, 2002.

Presented Nevada Remote Sensing Workshop for State and Local Government Agencies, May 17, 2001, Reno, Nevada, sponsored by the Western Governors Association, NASA, Nevada State Mapping Advisory Committee, Mackay School of Mines, and Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology.

Member of the NASA Program Planning and Analysis process Community Growth and Infrastructure Panel, 2001-2002.

Selected, in 1984, as one of the Outstanding Senior Geography Majors in the United States by the National Council for Geogrpahic Education (NCGE).

Ron Hess Home Page Projects Professional Summary Active Mines Map

Last Updated 1/24/25