Nevada Geothermal Well Database List - NVGEOWEL - 2009

Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)

List L-5

Compiled by David A. Davis, Geologic Information Specialist, and Ron Hess, Chief Information Officer.

This database is a list of all the geothermal wells in the files at the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG). These files contain all the geothermal well information available at the Nevada Division of Minerals since they took over permitting such wells in 1985. NBMG files of wells drilled prior to that may be incomplete, and additional informational may be found at the Nevada Division of Water Resources, which permitted geothermal wells prior to 1985.

This database is still under construction, and the information should be considered preliminary. It has not been edited or checked for completeness or accuracy and some fields have yet to be completely filled.

FIELD NAMES - List is organized by increasing Township (north and south), Range, and Section.
T: Township.
R: Range.
S: Section.
Partsect: Quarter section.
County: County name.
Permit: Permit number. Unprefixed numbers are from the Division of Minerals. Numbers prefixed with "DWR" are from the Division of Water Resources. Some of these numbers are suffixed with "PA", which means "project area". Numbers prefixed with "N" are a lease number and represent the only number designation in the file.
File_No.: Location number as delineated in NBMG Bulletion 91, "Thermal Waters of Nevada" (1979).
Operator: Operator of well.
Well: Name of well.
Compl_Date: Completion date of latest drilling.
Status: Present status of the well:
A - Abandoned
Commercial - Business use
Domestic - Private home use
D&A - Drilled and abandoned
Drilled - Drilled but no additional information
Expired - Permit expired without well being drilled
Geothermal - Unclassified
Gradient - Monitoring geothermal temperature gradient
Industrial - Usually power plant use
Injection - Reinjects used fluid back into ground
Observation - Monitoring geothermal fluids
P&A - Plugged and abandoned
Permit Changed - Permit number changed
Production - Produces fluids for industrial power production or commercial use
Strat Test - Stratigraphic test
Test - Unspecified test of underground conditions
TD: Total depth of well.
Depth_Temp: Water temperation and depth information. Some of these are expressed as the range between minimum and maximum temperatures and their depths.

For more information contact:
David A. Davis
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Great Basin Science Sample and Records Library
2175 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512
(775) 682-8767 FAX(775) 784-1709
Ron Hess
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Great Basin Science Sample and Records Library
2175 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512
(775) 784-6692 FAX(775) 784-1709

Nevada Geothermal Well Database List - NVGEOWEL, 2009, Compiled by David Davis and Ron Hess
    Nye709(PA)197Trail Canyon GeothermalProject Area    
    Carson City498 Madole, RayDomestic Well    
    Churchill691 Ormat Nevada, Inc.ST-925 APR 84Drilled  
    Churchill 004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationGrad 2021980P&A(?)500 
    Esmeralda724(PA)Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Project Area    
    Churchill 004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationGrad 2011980P&A(?)500 
01-02S39E  Esmeralda868(PA)091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.Project Area    
01N36E22SE/4, NW/4Esmeralda337085Fish Lake Power CompanyFLP No. 6 Expired  
01N36E28NE/4, NE/4Esmeralda333085Fish Lake Power CompanyFLP No. 2 Expired  
01N36E28NE/4, NW/4Esmeralda332085Fish Lake Power CompanyFLP No. 113 JUL 92Gradient2490Range: 89F at 7' to 148F at 2470'
01N36E32SE/4, NE/4Esmeralda334085Fish Lake Power CompanyFLP No. 323 JUN 92P&A3429Range: 90F at 444' to 177F at 3340'
01N38-39E  Esmeralda879(PA)086Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.Alum Project Area    
01N38.5E30SW/4, SE/4Esmeralda880086Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG Well 58-30    
01N38.5E33SW/4, NW/4EsmeraldaN-31417085Amax Exploration, Inc.Well Number 24-3306 AUG 82Observation(?)1353 
01S35E01NE/4, SE/4Esmeralda029085Steam Reserve CorporationWell No. 35-113 DEC 85Gradient4000Range: 22C at 20 m to 85C at 549 m
01S35E01NW/4, NW/4Esmeralda030085Steam Reserve CorporationWell No. 21-1 Expired  
01S35E02NW/4, SE/4Esmeralda031085Steam Reserve CorporationWell No. 55-205 OCT 85Gradient1580Range: 22C at 20 m to 68C at 468 m
01S35E10SW/4, NE/4Esmeralda027085Steam Reserve CorporationWell No. 54-10 Expired  
01S35E11SE/4, SE/4, SE/4EsmeraldaDWR-47032085Fish Lake Power CompanyWell No. 88-11A15 JUN 85Producer(?)8589289F at TD
01S35E11SE/4, SE/4, SE/4EsmeraldaN-31991085Fish Lake Power CompanyWell No. 88-1115 JUN 85Producer(?)8149400F
01S35E11SW/4, NE/4Esmeralda335085Fish Lake Power CompanyFLP No. 427 JUL 92P&A732 
01S35E12SW/4, NE/4Esmeralda028085Steam Reserve CorporationWell No. 54-12 Expired  
01S35E13NE/4, NE/4Esmeralda377085Fish Lake Power CompanyWell No. 81B-13 Expired  
01S35E13NE/4, NE/4Esmeralda376085Fish Lake Power CompanyWell No. 81A-13 Expired  
01S35E13NE/4, NE/4Esmeralda362085Fish Lake Power CompanyWell No. 81-1320 SEP 93Drilled  
01S35E13NE/4, NW/4Esmeralda344085Fish Lake Power CompanyWell No. 31-1306 FEB 93Drilled  
01S35E13SW/4, NE/4Esmeralda101085Steam Reserve CorporationWell No. 65-13 Expired  
01S35E14NE/4, NE/4EsmeraldaN-31993085Amax Exploration, Inc.Well Number 81-1429 JUL 82Observation(?)2046 
01S35E14NE/4, NE/4Esmeralda359085Fish Lake Power CompanyWell No. 81A-14 Expired  
01S35E14SW/4, NE/4Esmeralda349085Fish Lake Power CompanyWell No. 54-1417 JUN 93Drilled  
01S35E14SW/4, NW/4Esmeralda336085Fish Lake Power CompanyFLP No. 5 Expired  
01S36E07NE/4, NW/4EsmeraldaN-08421085Amax Exploration, Inc.Well Number 42-723 JUL 82Observation(?)2000 
01S37E31SW/4, SW/4Esmeralda643 Esmeralda Energy CompanyEmigrant 17-3106 NOV 06Drilled  
01S39E05 Esmeralda 086Fish Lake Livestock CompanyWater Well11 NOV 58Abandoned520Hot water at 165'
01S39E33SE/4, NW/4Esmeralda856091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 44-33    
01S39E34NE/4, NW/4Esmeralda859091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 41-34    
01S39E34SE/4, NE/4Esmeralda848091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 83-34    
01S39E35NE/4, SE/4Esmeralda849091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 75-35    
01S39E36SE/4, SW/4Esmeralda861091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 38-36    
02S39E02SE/4, NE/4Esmeralda851091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 73-2    
02S39E10NW/4, NE/4Esmeralda860091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 41-10    
02S39E10SE/4, NE/4Esmeralda852091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 65-10    
02S39E11NW/4, SE/4Esmeralda854091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 56-11A    
02S39E11SE/4, NE/4Esmeralda850091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 74-11    
02S39E11SE/4, NW/4Esmeralda858091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 43-11    
02S39E11SW/4; SW/4Esmeralda869091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.Observation Well No. 18-11    
02S39E14NW/4, SW/4Esmeralda863091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 26-14A    
02S39E14SE/4, NW/4Esmeralda857091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 43-14A    
02S39E14SW/4, SE/4Esmeralda853091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 58-14    
02S39E23NW/4, NW/4Esmeralda864091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 22-23    
02S39E23NW/4, SE/4Esmeralda855091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 45-23    
02S39E26NE/4, SW/4Esmeralda862091Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG 35-26    
03N36E02NE/4, SE/4Esmeralda791Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 75-2    
03N36E03SE/4, SE/4Esmeralda793Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 88-3    
03N36E10NW/4, NW/4Esmeralda800Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 12-10    
03N53E13SE/4, SW/4Nye061 South Central Nevada Holdings, Inc.Well No. 37-131986(?)P&A1540 
03N53E23NE/4, NW/4Nye056 South Central Nevada Holdings, Inc.Well No. 41-231986P&A2000 
03N53E23SE/4, SW/4Nye057 South Central Nevada Holdings, Inc.Observation Well No. 2 Expired  
03N53E24NE/4, NW/4Nye062 South Central Nevada Holdings, Inc.Well No. 42-2407 DEC 90P&A987 
03N53E24NW/4, NE/4Nye086 South Central Nevada Holdings, Inc.Well No. 52-2401 APR 86P&A(?)3742 
04N36E27NW/4, NW/4Esmeralda798Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 11-27    
04N36E27SE/4, SE/4Esmeralda799Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 87-27    
04N36E34NW/4, NW/4Esmeralda796Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 12-34    
04N36E34SE/4, SE/4Esmeralda795Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 78-34    
04N36E34SW/4, NE/4Esmeralda794Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 43-34    
04N36E35NE/4, SW/4Esmeralda792Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 36-35    
04N36E35NW/4, NW/4Esmeralda797Rock HillOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 22-35    
04S67E05NE/4, SW/4Lincoln429173City of CalienteCaliente Injection well No. 1 Drilled  
07N50E01NW/4, NE/4Nye616211Nevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCThermal Gradient Well UHCR-1511 AUG 05Drilled  
07N50E04SE/4, NE/4Nye589211Nevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCUHCR-6    
07N50E09SW/4, NW/4Nye590211Nevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCUHCR-7    
08N30E33NW/4, SW/4MineralDWR-30614192El Capitan Country Club EstatesWell No. 302 May 80???1000Produces 210F water at 700 gpm
08N50E22SE/4, NW/4Nye586211Nevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCUHCR-311 AUG 05Drilled  
08N50E29SW/4, NW/4Nye585211Nevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCUHCR-109 AUG 05Drilled  
08N50E32NE/4, SE/4Nye588211Nevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCUHCR-510 AUG 05Drilled  
08N50E33NE/4, SE/4Nye587211Nevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCUHCR-406 AUG 05Drilled  
08N50E34SE/4, NW/4Nye591211Nevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCUHCR-9    
10N23E  Lyon356187Rauber, James S.Domestic Well Expired  
10N25E34NW/4, NW/4Lyon 186Chevron Resources CompanyWell No. 76-122 FEB 78 2000 
10N43E24NW/4, SW/4Nye184204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 15-2412 JAN 88Observation1000 
10N43E25NE/4, SW/4Nye158204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 37-25 Expired  
10N43E25NE/4, SW/4Nye156204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 36-2509 NOV 88Injection1300150F between 1100'-1300'.
10N43E25NE/4, SW/4Nye416204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 36A-25 Expired  
10N43E25NE/4, SW/4Nye157204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 37-25 Expired  
10N43E25NE/4, SW/4Nye155204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 34-2521 NOV 88P&A1120Flow 200 gpm at 146F.
10N43E25SE/4, NW/4Nye379204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 34A-2520 NOV 93Drilled  
10N43E26NE/4, SE/4Nye185204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 43-2602 JAN 88Observation1000 
10N43E36NE/4, NE/4Nye199204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 71-3612 JUL 88Production1243Flow 1000 gpm at 184F
10N43E36NE/4, NE/4Nye200204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 71A-36 Expired  
10N43E36NE/4, NE/4Nye152204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 62-3627 JAN 87Production935Flowed 600 gpm at 180F.
10N43E36NE/4, NE/4Nye153204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 62A-36 Expired  
10N43E36NE/4, NW/4Nye198204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 41-3609 AUG 88Production1800Flow 50-123 gpm at 155F
10N43E36NE/4, NW/4Nye209204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 41A-3624 OCT 88Production1610Range: 132F at 700' to 185F at 1610'.
10N43E36NW/4, NE/4Nye154204Round Mountain Gold CorporationWell No. 51-36 Expired  
11N32E01SW/4, SE/4Mineral897 Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 57-01    
11N32E11NW/4, SW/4Mineral898 Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 65-11    
11N32E12NW/4, NW/4Mineral898 Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 12-12    
11N43E  Nye776(PA)204Devil's Canyon Geothermal, LLCProject Area    
11N43E07SE/4, SE/4Nye068204Great Smoky GeothermalTest Hole A Expired  
11N43E07SE/4, SE/4Nye 204Magma Power CompanyDarrough No. 1(?)1963???812Max T 265F
11N43E08NE/4; NE/4Nye835204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 82-08    
11N43E08NE/4; SW/4Nye830204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 35-08    
11N43E08NW/4; NE/4Nye833204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 52-08    
11N43E08NW/4; NW/4Nye829204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 12-08    
11N43E08SE/4, SW/4Nye038204Oxbow Geothernal CorporationBig Smokey Valley No. 3 Not drilled  
11N43E08SE/4, SW/4Nye038204Oxbow Geothernal CorporationBig Smokey Valley No. 426 NOV 85P&A2520Range: 78F at 40' to 222F at 2479'.
11N43E08SE/4, SW/4Nye038204Oxbow Geothernal CorporationBig Smokey Valley No. 2 Not drilled  
11N43E08SE/4; SE/4Nye834204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 78-08    
11N43E08SE/4; SW/4Nye832204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 47-08    
11N43E08SE/4; SW/4Nye831204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 38-08    
11N43E08SW/4, SW/4Nye068204Great Smoky GeothermalTest Hole B Expired  
11N43E09SE/4; SW/4Nye836204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 38-09    
11N43E09SW/4; SE/4Nye837204Devil's Canyon Geothermal No. 1, SV-03, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 68-09    
11N43E17NE/4, SW/4Nye068204Great Smoky GeothermalTest Hole E Expired  
11N43E17NW/4, NW/4Nye068204Great Smoky GeothermalTest Hole C Expired  
11N43E17SE/4, NW/4Nye068204Great Smoky GeothermalTest Hole D Expired  
11N43E18NE/4, SE/4Nye068204Great Smoky GeothermalTest Hole F Expired  
11N43E19NE/4, NE/4Nye039204Wine Glass RanchGeothermal Test Well No. 103 FEB 86Drilled3602Flowed 120 gpm at 128F
11N43E20NE/4, NW/4Nye068204Great Smoky GeothermalTest Hole I Expired  
12-13N43E  Nye692(PA) Truckee GeothermalProject Area    
12N19E26SW/4, SW/4Douglas688 Sheridan, Phil and DianeDomestic    
12N23E16SW/4, SE/4Lyon 184U. S. Steel CorporationHind's No. 1(?)1962??????Max T 150F
12N23E16SW/4, SE/4Lyon 184U. S. Steel CorporationHind's No. 2(?)1962   
12N23E16SW/4, SE/4Lyon 184U. S. Steel CorporationHind's No. 3(?)1962   
12N34E07NW/4, NW/4Nye895191Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 53-07    
12N34E07SW/4, SW/4Mineral894191Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 17-07    
12N34E24NE/4, NW/4Mineral896191Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 41-24    
12N34E25NW/4, SE/4NyeN-13186191Al-Aquitaine Exploration, Ltd.Well No. "25" 64-25 Drilled(?)  
12N43E03SE/4, SW/4Nye719 Truckee GeothermalIndustrial Injection Well 37-3    
12N43E03SW/4, NW/4Nye720 Truckee GeothermalIndustrial Injection Well 23-3    
12N43E04SW/4, SE/4Nye696 Truckee Geothermal No. 1 SV-01, LLC.Industrial Production Well 68-04 Drilled  
12N43E09SW/4, NE/4Nye695 Truckee Geothermal No. 1 SV-01, LLC.Industrial Production Well 54-09    
12N43E09SW/4, SE/4Nye697 Truckee Geothermal No. 1 SV-01, LLC.Industrial Production Well 68-09    
12N61E12S/2, SW/4, SE/4White Pine186296Bruce, Clarence L., and Bowen, MalindaArnoldson Spring Discharge Ditch    
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyWalley's No. 209 DEC 62 498Max T: 160F at 80'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 261962???92Max T: 167F at 80'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 191962 100Max T: 167F at 44'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 201962???119Max T: 166F at 106'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 231962???100Max T: 162F at 46'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 91962 112Max T: 146F at 23'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 241962???100Max T: 166F at 42'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 211962 120 
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 251962 78Max T: 157F at 78'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 181962 97Max T: 153F at 46'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 81962 112Max T: 146F at 23'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 151962???110Max T: 167F at 110'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 221962 90Max T: 157F at 90'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 161962???100Max T: 149F at 100'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyWalley's No. 125 NOV 62 1267Max T: 150F at 45'
13N19E22NW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 171962???100Max T: 162F at 80'
13N19E22NW1/4, SE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 111962 165Max T: 87F at 52'
13N19E22SE1/4, NW1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 101962???120Max T: 111F at 10'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 71962 110Max T: 155F at 70'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 51962???96Max T: 181F at 64'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 31962???200Max T: 170F at 50'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 141962???80Max T: 171F at 12'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 11962 100Max T: 143F at 19'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 61962 98Max T: 166F at 70'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 41962 96Max T: 157F at 20'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 121962 200Max T: 159F at 28'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 131962 150Max T: 149F at 14'
13N19E22SW1/4, NE1/4Douglas 045Columbia Iron Mining CompanyTest Hole No. 21962 200Max T: 159F at 98'
13N20E32 Douglas261045Errington, William F.Domestic Well Expired  
13N60E33NW/4, NE/4White Pine751295White River RanchDomestic Well ATI/White Pines    
13S70E34SE/4; SW/4ClarkDWR-52995024Biasi, BrunoDomestic24 NOV 58Water Well11870F
13S71E08SE/4, NE/4Clark867024DAV KEL, Inc.Domestic Well    
14N19E23 Douglas231042Simek, RonDomestic11 DEC 89P&A304 
14N20E28 Douglas482044Scott, DouglasDomestic    
15N20E  Carson City392003Rooke, EdyRooke Well Not in use149120F (est)
15N20E23SW/4, NE/4Carson City620003Piccolo, RobertDomestic13 DEC 05Drilled140Hot
15N20E23SW/4; NE/4Carson City808003Greytak, Dan and JudeDomestic Well    
15N25E15NE/4, SE/4Lyon167181TAD's Enterprises, Inc.Well No. 15-1522 FEB 88Observation1420Range: 148F at 100' to 231F at 1420'
15N25E15NW/4, SW/4Lyon671181Homestretch Geothermal, LLCProduction Well 11959Production500 
15N25E15NW/4, SW/4Lyon672181Homestretch Geothermal, LLCProduction Well 209 DEC 86Production350221F
15N25E15NW/4, SW/4Lyon238181TAD's Enterprises, Inc.Well No. 25-1501 JAN 90Observation440223F at 402'
15N25E15NW/4, SW/4Lyon194181TAD's Enterprises, Inc.Well No. 15-15A09 MAR 88Observation600Range: 119F at 20' to 216F at 420'.
15N25E15SW/4, NW/4Lyon001181TAD's Enterprises, Inc.TAD's No. 118 FEB 85P&A(?)500Range: 85F at 10' to 233F at 350'.
15N25E16NW/4, SE/4Lyon159181TAD's Enterprises, Inc.TAD's ST No. 101 OCT 87Observation860Range: 74F at 0' to 167F at 800'
15N26E16NE/4, SW/4Lyon 181Magma Power CompanyWabuska No. 21959 532Range: 195F at 50' to 215F at 250'
15N26E16NE/4, SW/4Lyon 181Magma Power CompanyWabuska No. 114 JUL 59 488Range: 205F at 50' to 215F at 200'
15N26E16SE/4, SE/4Lyon 181Magma Power CompanyWabuska No. 318 AUG 59 2223Range: 205F at 50' to 222F at 150'
16N18E23NW/4; SW/4Washoe801 Miraglia, ChadDomestic23 JUN 08Domestic29757F
16N18E23NW/4; SW/4Washoe802 Miraglia, ChadDomestic02 JUL 08Domestic29757F
16N28E01NE/4, NE/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 307 JUN 72P&A(?)110Range: 63F at 20' to 72F at 110'
16N29E03SW/4, NW/4, NW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-8 Expired  
16N29E05NE/4, NE/4, NW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-18 Expired  
16N29E07SW/4Churchill 019Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 207 JUN 72P&A(?)110Range: 60F at 20' to 64F at 110'
16N29E20 Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 107 JUN 72P&A(?)110 
16N29E28 Churchill436PA021Earth Power Resources, Inc.EPRPA-96    
16N29E33SE1/4, NW1/4Churchill 021Oxy Geothermal, Inc.Well No. 72-33(K)15 FEB 78???3000 
16N30E  Churchill704(PA) Carson Lake Basin Project, LLCProject Area    
16N30E10SE/4, NW/4Churchill882 Vulcan Power CompanyTG Well 1-10 Drilled  
16N30E10SE/4, NW/4Churchill883 Vulcan Power CompanyTG Well 1-9 Drilled  
16N30E11NW/4, NW/4Churchill881 Vulcan Power CompanyTG Well 1-11 Drilled  
16N63E16SW/4White Pine294293Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.Six Domestic Wells Expired  
17-18N20E  Washoe574PA278Steamboat Hills, LLCProject Area    
17N19E02NW/4Washoe081278Ciccotti, BillDomestic Expired  
17N19E02NW/4Washoe080278Ciccotti, BillDomestic29 MAY 86Drilled173Cold
17N19E22SE/4, NE/4Washoe497278Evergreen Energy LLCJoy Lake 78-22    
17N19E22SE/4, NW/4Washoe496278Evergreen Energy LLCJoy Lake 45-22    
17N20E05NE/4, NW/4Washoe079278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 32-508 NOV 87Shut-in2944Range: 55F at 0' to 415F at 2500'
17N20E05NE/4, NW/4Washoe178278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 24-5 Expired  
17N20E05NW/4Washoe592278Steamboat Hills, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 23-507 AUG 85Production3022Average 362-396F
17N20E05NW/4, NW/4Washoe525278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPIndustrial Production Well 21B-503 JUL 03Drilled470 
17N20E05NW/4, NW/4WashoeDWR-34917278Phillips Petroleum CompanyST-314 JUL 79 3050Hot
17N20E05NW/4, NW/4Washoe150278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 32-5 ST08 NOV 87Strat Test2806198F between 2473'-2478'
17N20E05NW/4, NW/4Washoe177278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 21-516 DEC 87Production3073Range: 195F between 2430'-2473' to 355F at 2803'
17N20E05SE/4, NW/4Washoe340278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 13-527 JUL 93Production3228 
17N20E05SE/4, NW/4Washoe151278Caithness Power, Inc.Well No. 43-5 Expired  
17N20E05SW/4, NW/4Washoe 278Phillips Petroleum CompanyST-1317 SEP 81 1767Hot
17N20E05SW/4, NW/4Washoe205278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 13-525 JUL 93Strat Test3228 
17N20E06NE/4, NE/4Washoe561278Steamboat Hills, LPIndustrial Production Well 83B-6 Drilled  
17N20E06SE/4, NE/4Washoe138278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 83-629 AUG 87P&A3060Range: 178F at 500' to 338F at 2463'
17N20E06SE/4; NE/4Washoe147278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 83A-615 OCT 87Production2681Range: 210F at 400' to 430F at 2681'
17N20E06SW/4, NE/4Washoe593278Steamboat Hills, LLCST-807 MAR 80 1940 
17N20E07NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Phillips Petroleum CompanyST-716 FEB 80 1660 
17N20E20NE/4, NW/4Churchill678018Carson Lake Basin Project/Vulcan Power Co.Thermal Gradient Well 51-20 (31-20)    
17N22E02NW/4, SE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 66-9 Not drilled  
17N29E01NW/4, SW/4, SW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-2 Expired  
17N29E01SW/4, SW/4, SE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-13 Expired  
17N29E03SE/4, SE/4, NE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-7 (CL-10)27 OCT 89P&A(?)200Range: 61F-67F, 20'-200'
17N29E13NE/4, SE/4, SE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-3 (CL-6)24 OCT 89P&A(?)500Range: 58F-112F, 20'-500'
17N29E14NE/4, NE/4, NE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-14 (CL-5)24 OCT 89P&A(?)500Range: 58F-102F, 20'-500'
17N29E16NW/4, NW/4, SW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-6 (CL-9)24 OCT 89P&A(?)200Range: 57F-62F, 50'-200'
17N29E30NW/4, NE/4, NE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-19 Expired  
17N30E  Churchill698(PA)020Enel Salt Wells, LLCProject Area    
17N30E  Churchill564PA020Enel Salt Wells, LLCProject Area    
17N30E01SW/4, NW/4Churchill904020Carson Lake Basin ProjectObservation Well 14-1 Drilled  
17N30E02NW/4, NW/4Churchill905020Carson Lake Basin ProjectObservation Well 11-2    
17N30E05NE/4, NW/4Churchill435014Oxbow Geothermal CorporationTG Well No. S. T. 5 (42-5)    
17N30E05SE/4, NE/4, NW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-10 (CL-3)27 OCT 89P&A(?)200Range: 66F-92F, 10'-200'
17N30E06NW/4, NW/4Churchill439018Oxbow Power Services, Inc.Well No. 11-6    
17N30E06SW/4, NE/4, SW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-1 (CL-2)27 OCT 89P&A(?)500Range: 85F-180F, 20'-450'
17N30E07NE/4, NW/4, NE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-11 Expired  
17N30E07NW/4, NE/4, SE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-12 Expired  
17N30E08SW/4, NW/4, NW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-9 (CL-11)27 OCT 89P&A(?)240Range: 68F-96F, 20'-200'
17N30E08SW/4, SW/4, NE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-5 Expired  
17N30E09NW/4, SE/4Churchill914018Vulcan Power CompanyTGH 76-9 Drilled  
17N30E09SW/4, SE/4Churchill783020Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 58A-9 (58-9) Drilled  
17N30E11NE/4, SW/4Churchill784020Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 35A-11 (35-11) Drilled  
17N30E11SE/4, SW/4Churchill785020Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 47A-11 (47-11) Drilled  
17N30E11SW/4, NW/4Churchill679020Carson Lake Basin ProjectThermal Gradient Well 35-11 (34-11)    
17N30E14NW/4, NE/4Churchill686020Carson Lake Basin ProjectThermal Gradient Well 47-11 (31-14)    
17N30E14NW/4, SE/4Churchill681020Carson Lake Basin ProjectThermal Gradient Well 56-14 (67-14)    
17N30E14NW/4, SE/4Churchill786020Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 56A-14 (56-14) Drilled  
17N30E15NE/4, SE/4Churchill683020Carson Lake Basin ProjectThermal Gradient Well 86-15 (85-15) Drilled  
17N30E15NE/4, SE/4Churchill787020Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 86A-15 (86-15) Drilled  
17N30E15NW/4, NE/4Churchill687020Carson Lake Basin ProjectProduction Well 62-15 (52-15) Drilled  
17N30E16NW/4, NE/4Churchill680018Carson Lake Basin ProjectThermal Gradient Well 58-9 (51-16)    
17N30E16SE/4, NE/4Churchill893018Vulcan Power CompanyProduction Well 84-16    
17N30E16SW/4, SW/4Churchill685018Carson Lake Basin ProjectThermal Gradient Well 17-16 (27-16) Drilled  
17N30E18NE/4, NE/4, NE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-4 (CL-1)27 OCT 89P&A(?)500Range: 60F-93F, 0'-500'
17N30E20NW/4, NE/4Churchill891018Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 51A-20 Drilled  
17N30E21NE/4, SE/4Churchill684018Carson Lake Basin ProjectThermal Gradient Well 24-21 (23-21) Drilled  
17N30E23NE/4, SW/4Churchill725020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 45-23    
17N30E23NW/4, SE/4Churchill726020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 56-23    
17N30E25NE/4, NW/4Churchill924020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 42-25    
17N30E25NE/4, NW/4Churchill573020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Injection Well IW-5    
17N30E25NW/4, NE/4Churchill148020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 61-25 Expired  
17N30E25NW/4, SE/4Churchill059020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 86-2 Expired  
17N30E25NW/4, SW/4ChurchillN-08362020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 84-30 P&A252 
17N30E25SE/4, NW/4Churchill058020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 86-126 JUN 86P&A1080Max T 219F at 660'.
17N30E25SE/4, NW/4Churchill907020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 33-25 Drilled  
17N30E25SW/4, NW/4ChurchillN-08362020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 84-24 P&A190 
17N30E25SW/4, NW/4Churchill727020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 14-25    
17N30E25SW/4, NW/4ChurchillN-08362020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 84-26 P&A530 
17N30E25SW/4, NW/4Churchill071020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 86-423 MAY 86P&A252 
17N30E25SW/4, NW/4Churchill570020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Production Well PW-4    
17N30E25SW/4, NW/4Churchill023020Anadarko Production CompanyWell No. 14-2530 OCT 85P&A700Range: 33C at 20' to 129C at 400'.
17N30E25SW/4, SE/4Churchill925020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 68-25    
17N30E25SW/4, SW/4Churchill139020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 28-25 Expired  
17N30E25SW/4, SW/4Churchill117020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 87-1 Expired  
17N30E26NE/4, SE/4Churchill728020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 86-26 Drilled  
17N30E26SE/4, SE/4Churchill118020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 87-2 Expired  
17N30E26SE/4, SE/4Churchill569020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Production Well PW-308 JUN 05Drilled  
17N30E26SW/4, NE/4ChurchillN-08362020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 84-1907 MAY 86P&A1165Max T 245F at 660'.
17N30E26SW/4, SW/4Churchill140020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 28-26 Expired  
17N30E28SW/4, SE/4, SW/4Washoe567278Steamboat Development CorporationIndustrial Production Well 38B-2823 JAN 06Drilled  
17N30E33SE/4, NW/4Churchill682020Carson Lake Basin ProjectThermal Gradient Well 34-33 (33-33)    
17N30E35NW/4, NE/4Churchill730020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 61-35    
17N30E35NW/4, SE/4Churchill119020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 87-3 Expired  
17N30E35NW/4, SE/4Churchill729020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 64-35 (46-35) Drilled  
17N30E35SW/4, SE/4Churchill731020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 67-35    
17N30E36NW/4, NE/4Churchill732020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 52-36 Permit Changed  
17N30E36NW/4, NE/4Churchill906020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 61-36 Permit Changed  
17N30E36NW/4, NW/4Churchill566020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Production Well PW-108 MAY 05Drilled  
17N30E36SE/4, NE/4Churchill733020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 54-36 Drilled1801 
17N30E36SE/4, NE/4Churchill572020Enel Salt Wells, LLCObservation Well 76-36 Drilled1224 
17N30E36SE/4, NE/4Churchill571020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 64-3622 MAY 05Drilled1170 
17N30E36SW/4, NE/4Churchill734020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 63-36 Drilled1640 
17N30E36SW/4, NW/4ChurchillN-20634020Anadarko Production CompanyWell No. 14-3624 Aug 81P&A8500Range: 80F at 60' to 355F at 8500'
17N30E36SW/4, NW/4Churchill568020Enel Salt Wells, LLCIndustrial Production Well PW-219 APR 05Drilled  
17N30E36SW/4, NW/4Churchill070020Anadarko Petroleum CorporationWell No. 86-315 MAY 86P&A252 
17N30E36SW/4, SE/4Churchill735020Enel Salt Wells, LLCWell 65-36 (65-36R)  1650 
18N19E01NW/4, NE/4Washoe459277Shellbird Inc.'s Domestic WellDomestic well    
18N19E02SE/4, NE/4Washoe248278Berman, SteveDomestic26 MAY 90Not in use15065F
18N19E02SW/4; SE/4Washoe761277Ownes, TravisDomestic    
18N19E12NW/4, SW/4Washoe373278Parsons, Reg S.Domestic Expired  
18N20E  Washoe458PA278SB Geo, Inc.Project Area    
18N20E  Washoe522278Weigl, RobertDomesticMAR 94Domestic  
18N20E05SE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Phillips Petroleum CompanyST-601 FEB 80 1990 
18N20E14SW/4, SW/4Washoe544278Miller, Russell and PhyllisDomestic wellABT. 1976Domestic Well head: 104
18N20E17NE/4, SW/4Washoe489278Diocese of RenoWell No. M1    
18N20E20NE/4Washoe221278Bridges, RoyceDomestic Expired  
18N20E21NE/4, SW/4Washoe775278Salcedo, FidelDomestic31 DEC 82Domestic190200F
18N20E21SW/4, NE/4Washoe 278Phillips Petroleum CompanyST-113 APR 77 1966Warm
18N20E23NW/4; NW/4Washoe838278Goldberg, Steven/Connor, LisaDomestic09 JUN 97Domestic90130F(?)
18N20E23SW/4; NW/4WashoeDWR-35499278Rilite Aggregate Co.Industrial Well03 JAN 79Drilled147113F
18N20E27NW/4, NW/4Washoe220278Washoe County School DistrictWell No. 41-27 Expired  
18N20E28 Washoe226278Towne, DorothyDomestic Expired  
18N20E28 Washoe227278Towne, DorothyDomestic Expired  
18N20E28 Washoe 278Mt. Rose Hot SpringsMt. Rose Hot Springs Well29 MAY 50 237Scalding
18N20E28NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Mt. Rose ResortMt. Rose Well No. 31947???133119C at TD
18N20E28NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Mt. Rose ResortMt. Rose Well No. 11947???110121C at TD
18N20E28NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Mt. Rose ResortMt. Rose Well No. 21947???160Range: 86C at 54' to 133C at TD
18N20E28NE/4, SE/4Washoe 278Senges(?)Senges Well1949???177Range: 96C at 31' to 146C at 177'
18N20E28NE/4, SW/4Washoe288278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 16-2820 FEB 92Production990330F at 617'-625' at 900 gpm.
18N20E28NE/4, SW/4Washoe290278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 25-28-207 MAR 92Production1062330F at 690' at 1200 gpm.
18N20E28NE/4, SW/4Washoe300278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 45-2828 MAR 92Injection1506About 330F at 1506'
18N20E28NE/4, SW/4Washoe289278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 26-2815 MAR 92Production1505330F at 642' at 600 gpm.
18N20E28NE/4, SW/4Washoe298278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 36-2820 MAR 92Observation1059330F at 1059'
18N20E28NE/4, SW/4Washoe299278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 35-2820 MAR 92Injection1797About 330F at 1767'
18N20E28NE/4, SW/4Washoe291278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 25-28-131 MAR 92Production590335F at 576' at 1450 gpm.
18N20E28NW/4, NE/4Washoe 278Nevada Thermal Power CompanySteamboat No. 11954 1830 
18N20E28NW/4, NE/4, SW/4Washoe341278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 46-28-230 SEP 92Injection1080About 330F at 200 gpm at 870'-875' and 1100 gpm at 1020'-1080'.
18N20E28NW/4, NW/4Washoe 278Herz, HaroldHarold Herz 130 MAY 47Production(?)155Range: 23C at 14' to 52C at 155'
18N20E28NW/4, NW/4Washoe 278Herz, HaroldHarold Herz 21947 153193F
18N20E28NW/4, NW/4Washoe249278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 12-28 Expired  
18N20E28NW/4, SW/4Washoe274278SB Geo, Inc.TG No. 205 AUG 91Thermal Grad861 
18N20E28NW/4, SW/4Washoe275278SB Geo, Inc.TG No. 301 AUG 91Thermal Grad910 
18N20E28NW/4, SW/4WashoeDWR-17909278Nevada Ore Refining CompanyWell (1952)30 APR 52 30070 - 360F
18N20E28SE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Reno ResortEast Reno WellAPR 40 172280F
18N20E28SE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Reno ResortWest Reno Well1939 186280F
18N20E28SE/4, SW/4Washoe301278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 37-28-212 APR 92Observation847About 330F at 664'
18N20E28SE/4, SW/4Washoe306278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 37-28-129 APR 92Observation1301About 330F at 583'
18N20E28SE/4, SW/4Washoe305278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 38-28-111 MAY 92Observation745About 330F at 696'
18N20E28SE/4, SW/4Washoe 278Nevada Thermal Power CompanySteamboat No. 21959???964 
18N20E28SE/4, SW/4Washoe307278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 47-2830 APR 92Observation2000About 330F at 654'
18N20E28SE/4, SW/4Washoe 278UnknownRodeo Well26 MAY 50 282Range: 60C at 13' to 169C at 282'
18N20E28SE/4, SW/4Washoe273278SB Geo, Inc.TG No. 124 JUL 91Thermal Grad894 
18N20E28SW/4, NE/4Washoe 278Murray(?)Murray Well1946 68037C at 63'
18N20E28SW/4, NW/4Washoe541278Reno Retail Co.Observation Well 24-28    
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4Washoe387278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 76-29 Expired  
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4WashoeDWR-47367278SB Geo, Inc.Production Well No. 302 AUG 86Production574Range: 45C at 0' to 172C at 550'.
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4Washoe385278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 75-29 Expired  
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4Washoe 278Nevada Ore Minerals(?)Nevada Ore Minerals Well1955   
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4WashoeDWR-47368278SB Geo, Inc.Production Well No. 128 JAN 86Production627 
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4Washoe003278SB Geo, Inc.Observation Well No. 224 DEC 86Observation570 
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4Washoe004278SB Geo, Inc.Observation Well No. 319 JAN 86Observation966 
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyGS-218 AUG 50 398Range: 78C at 86' to 95C at TD
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4,WashoeDWR-47366278Far West Electric Energy Fund, LPInjection Well No. 203 DEC 85Injection1414 
18N20E29NE/4, SE/4,Washoe036278SB Geo, Inc.Production Well No. 213 DEC 85Production530 
18N20E29NW/4, NW/4Washoe456278Dorostkar, Dr. M.DomesticNOV 97Drilled  
18N20E29SE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 21949Abandoned7Range: 77C at 1' to 96C at 7'
18N20E29SE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 11949Abandoned9Range: 76C at 2' to 96C at 9'
18N20E29SE/4, NE/4Washoe014278SB Geo, Inc.Observation Well No. 406 AUG 85Observation1640Range: 120 F at 0' to 285F at 1640'
18N20E29SE/4, NE/4Washoe034278SB Geo, Inc.Injection Well No. 308 AUG 86Injection517 
18N20E29SE/4, NE/4, SE/4Washoe002278SB Geo, Inc.Observation Well No. 125 MAR 85Observation626 
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe386278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 77-29 Expired  
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyGS-627 NOV 50 212Range: 69C at 70' to 103C at 208'
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe237278SB Geo, Inc.Hot Air Well No. 412 Feb 90Industrial729About 320F between 700'-729'.
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe302278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 77-29 Expired  
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe304278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 88-29 Expired  
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe563278ORNI 7, LLCIndustrial Production Well 78-29    
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4WashoeDWR-41826278Guisti, Peter G.Hot Water Well No. 6 Domestic  
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe303278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 78-29 Expired  
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe363378SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 87-2911 Sep 93Drilled  
18N20E29SE/4, SE/4Washoe 278Guisti, Peter G.Test Well08 MAY 81Test300Hot
18N20E29SW/4, SE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 71949Abandoned4TD 48C
18N20E29SW/4, SE/4Washoe 278Nevada Ore Refining CompanyWell (1953)26 FEB 53 295Hot
18N20E29SW/4, SW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 81949Abandoned14Range: 49C at 1' to 95C at 14'
18N20E30SE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 91949Abandoned14Range: 28C at 8' to 34C at 14'
18N20E31 Washoe 278Magma Power CompanyWell No. 203 SEP 59 475 
18N20E31SE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Phillips Petroleum CompanyST-502 APR 78 1700 
18N20E32NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278Nevada Thermal Power CompanySteamboat No. 41960 720Range: 67C at 36' to 186C at 726'
18N20E32NE/4, NW/4Washoe575278Steamboat Hills, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 42-3219 JUL 05Drilled  
18N20E32NW/4, NE/4Washoe285278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 62-32 Expired  
18N20E32NW/4, NE/4Washoe 278Nevada Thermal Power CompanySteamboat No. 31960???1263 
18N20E32NW/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 10a1949Abandoned2Range: 32C at 1' to 39C at 2'
18N20E32NW/4, NW/4Washoe 278Nevada Thermal Power CompanySteamboat No. 61961???716Range: 71C at 20' to 178C at 653'
18N20E32NW/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 10b1949Abandoned4Range: 40C at 3' to 52C at 4'
18N20E32NW/4, NW/4Washoe 278Nevada Thermal Power CompanySteamboat No. 515 JUL 61 826Range: 60C at 53' to 175C at 684'
18N20E32NW/4, SE/4Washoe215278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 65-32 Expired  
18N20E32NW/4, SE/4Washoe066278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPCox I-107 MAY 81Injection3,471Range: 153F between 923'-1302' to 275F between 2735'-3162'
18N20E32NW/4, SE/4Washoe560278Steamboat HillsIndustrial Injection Well 64A-32    
18N20E32NW/4, SE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyGS-705 JAN 51 410Range: 21C at 20' to 161C at 408'
18N20E32NW/4, SW/4Washoe188278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 65-32 Expired  
18N20E32NW/4, SW/4Washoe576278Steamboat Hills, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 66-32    
18N20E32NW/4, SW/4Washoe229278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPST-1425 OCT 81Expired1632Hot
18N20E32SE/4, NW/4Washoe577278Steamboat Hills, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 44-3217 AUG 05Drilled  
18N20E32SE/4, NW/4Washoe668278Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 44A-3209 JUL 07Drilled  
18N20E32SE/4, NW/4Washoe578278Steamboat Hills, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 34-3219 SEP 05Drilled  
18N20E32SW/4, NE/4Washoe530278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 64-32    
18N20E32SW/4, SE/4Washoe149278Caithness Power, Inc.Well No. 67-32 Expired  
18N20E32SW/4, SW/4Washoe067278Yankee/Caithness Joint Venture, LPWell No. 28-3202 MAY 86Production3031Range: 110C between 2377'-2456' to 275C between 2896'-2914'
18N20E33 Washoe201278Towne, DorothyDomestic Expired  
18N20E33NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyGS-427 JAN 51???505Range: 103C at 60' to 171C at TD
18N20E33NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 131949Abandoned11Range: 18C at 5' to 35C at 11'
18N20E33NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 111949Abandoned13TD 25C
18N20E33NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyGS-522 OCT 51???575Range: 70C at 37' to 170C at TD
18N20E33NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 61949Abandoned10TD 44C
18N20E33NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 121949Abandoned18Range: 29C at 16' to 32C at 18'
18N20E33NE/4, NW/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyGS-327 JAN 51 686Range: 50C at 45' to 74C at TD
18N20E33NW/4, NE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 31949Abandoned1 
18N20E33NW/4, NE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyGS-803 FEB 51???130Range: 75C at 41' to 129C at 130'
18N20E33NW/4, NE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 41949Abandoned8TD 29C
18N20E33NW/4, NE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyAuger Hole No. 51949Abandoned9TD 34C
18N20E33NW/4, NW/4Washoe384278Ormat Nevada, Inc.Well No. 21-3323 JAN 94P&A710325F at 350'
18N20E33NW/4, NW/4Washoe388278SB Geo, Inc.Well No. 12-33 Expired  
18N20E33NW/4, SE/4Washoe 278U. S. Geological SurveyGS-112 SEP 50 399Range: 58C at 30' to 157C at TD
18N20E33NW/4, SE/4Washoe 278Steamboat Resort(?)No. 32 Geyser Well1945Abandoned43TD: 115C
18N20E33NW/4, SE/4Washoe 278Steamboat ResortSteamboat No. 2MAR 45Abandoned120 
18N20E33NW/4, SE/4Washoe 278Steamboat ResortSteamboat No. 424 MAR 48Abandoned225Range: 83C at 19' to 155C at 184'
18N20E33SE/4, NW/4Washoe669278Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 33-3310 DEC 07Drilled  
18N20E33SE/4, NW/4Washoe670278Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 43-3325 SEP 07Drilled  
18N20E33SE/4, SW/4Washoe 278Steamboat ResortSouth Steamboat Well03 FEB 47 275Range: 15C at 6' to 74C at 275'
18N20E33SE/4, SW/4Washoe047278Gerold, GeorgeDomestic15 DEC 85Domestic460146F at 30 gpm
18N20E33SW/4, NW/4Washoe718278Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 12-33    
18N20E33SW/4, NW/4Washoe710278Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Injection Well 23-33    
18N20E33SW/4, NW/4Washoe708278Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Injection Well 14-33    
18N20E33SW/4, NW/4Washoe494 SB Geo, Inc.Observation Well MTH 12-33    
18N20E33SW/4; NW/4Washoe493278SB Geo, Inc.Observation Well MTH 24-33    
18N20E34NW/4, NW/4Washoe311278MacKay, R. BruceDomestic08 SEP 93Drilled309265F
18N21E20NW/4 SW/4Washoe338278Damonte, LouieDomestic03 DEC 84Not in use155150F at 80'
18N22E02NE/4, NW/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 32-2 Not drilled  
18N22E06NW/4, NW/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 22-6 Not drilled  
18N22E09SE/4, SE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 88-9 Not drilled  
18N22E20SE/4, SW/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 38-20 Not drilled  
18N22E23NE/4, NE/4Lyon037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 21-2313 MAY 86 300 
18N22E25NW/4, SE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 56-2517 MAY 86 300 
18N22E31SW/4, NW/4Lyon037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 33-3118 MAY 86 330 
18N23E02SE/4, NW/4Lyon037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 43-2 Not drilled  
18N23E09NW/4, NE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 62-9 Not drilled  
18N23E22NE/4, SE/4Lyon037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 85-2216 MAY 86 300 
18N29-30E  Churchill777(PA)018Ormat Nevada, Inc.Project Area    
18N29E04NW/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 8X20 MAY 72P&A(?)200Range: 60F at 50' to 66F at 200'
18N29E23SW/4Churchill 018Naval Weapons CenterN. A. S. No. 01978 1755Max T 130F
18N29E30SE/4; SE/4Churchill805018Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well No. 88-30    
18N29E36NE/4, NE/4Churchill717018Ormat Nevada, LLCWell 82-36    
18N29E36NE/4, NE/4Churchill 018Fallon Naval Air StationF. O. H. No. 219 JUN 86 4495Range: 158F at 1500' to 311F at 4488'
18N30E07W/2Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 714 JUN 72P&A(?)110Range: 55F at 20' to 63F at 110'
18N30E09SW/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 614 JUN 72P&A(?)110Range: 59F at 20' to 63F at 110'
18N30E11W/2Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 514 JUN 72P&A(?)85Range: 62F at 20' to 64F at 110'
18N30E12SE/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 408 JUN 72P&A(?)110Range: 60F at 20' to 64F at 110'
18N30E21NW/4, NE/4, NW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-17 (CL-8)24 OCT 89P&A(?)200Range: 65F-73F, 10'-200'
18N30E28SW/4, NW/4Churchill430014Oxbow Geothermal CorporationTG Well No. CL-14 (13-28)    
18N30E29SE/4, SW/4Churchill433014Oxbow Geothermal CorporationTG Well No. S. T. 3 (47-29)    
18N30E29SW/4, NE/4, SW/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-15 (CL-4)27 OCT 89P&A(?)200Range: 65F-122F, 10'-200'
18N30E31NW/4; NE/4Churchill806018Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well No. 51-31    
18N30E31SE/4; NE/4Churchill807018Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well No. 84-31    
18N30E31SW/4, NE/4Churchill434014Oxbow Geothermal CorporationTG Well No. S. T. 4 (54-31)    
18N30E32NE/4, NE/4Churchill432014Oxbow Geothermal CorporationTG Well No. S. T. 2 (72-32)    
18N30E32NE/4, SW/4Churchill431014Oxbow Geothermal CorporationTG Well No. S. T. 1 (36-32)    
18N30E33NE/4, NW/4, NE/4Churchill228018Oxbow Geothermal CorporationCLG-16 (CL-7)24 OCT 89P&A(?)200Range: 67F-80F, 10'-200'
18N33E14NW/4ChurchillN-08796 Rosewood CorporationEleven Mile Canyon 52-1425 MAR 82P&A8246Max T: 144F at 1300'
18N33E23NE/4ChurchillN-08919 Rosewood CorporationNevada Federal 8919 72-2307 AUG 81Unknown7459 
19-20N30-31E  Churchill579PA014Enel Stillwater, LLCProject Area    
19N19E20NE/4Washoe736277Owen, ScottDomestic Well    
19N19E23NE/4; SE/4Washoe124277Salem Plaza Condominium AssociationInjection Well No. 105 AUG 88Injection1610Range: 23C at 100' to 71C at 1580'.
19N19E23NE/4; SE/4WashoeDWR-48016277Salem Plaza Condominium AssociationSalem No. 1OCT 81Production1491 
19N19E23SW/4, SW/4WashoeDWR-46795277Sierra Geothermal SystemsGeothermal Well11 SEP 83Drilled895180F
19N19E24N/2; SW/4Washoe790277Peppermill Casinos, Inc.Peppermill Well No. 230 APR 80Production748127F
19N19E24N/2; SW/4Washoe789277Peppermill Casinos, Inc.Peppermill Well No. 11980Production750 
19N19E24NE/4, SW/4WashoeDWR-35587277Nevada Properties/Peppermill Hotel and CasinoPeppermill No. 314 AUG 81 748126F
19N19E24NW/4, SW/4Washoe232277Lakeview Apartments, Ltd.Domestic Expired  
19N19E24NW/4, SW/4Washoe203277Lakeview Apartments, Ltd.DomesticNOV 88Test1250155F at 1250'.
19N19E24NW/4; SW/4Washoe358277Virginia Lake Townhouses and ApartmentsProduction Well No. 212 AUG 66Production1006138F
19N19E24NW/4; SW/4Washoe357277Virginia Lake Townhouses and ApartmentsProduction Well No. 1 Production1125Hot
19N19E24SE/4Washoe055277Street, RoyDomestic Well Expired  
19N19E24SE/4, NE/4, NE/4Washoe202277Nevada Properties/Peppermill Hotel and CasinoPeppermill No. 412 AUG 89Injection3307Range: 109F at 70' to 128F at 2894'
19N19E24SE/4; NW/4Washoe492277Kohlenberg, Fred - Virginia Lake TownhousesInjection Well No. 101 SEP 85Injection1207Range: 66F at 36' to 140F at 1050'
19N19E24SW/4Washoe054277Tang, Yiwen Y.Domestic Expired  
19N19E24SW/4, SW/4Washoe033277Tang, Yiwen Y.Injection Well No. 125 JUN 86Injection735 
19N19E25 Washoe099277Wade, KenDomestic22 MAY 86Domestic300 
19N19E25NW/4; NE/4Washoe048277Farahi and AssociatesFarahi Geothermal Test Well No. 106 JAN 86Observation500Range: 55F at 0' to 117F at 500'
19N19E25NW/4; SW/4Washoe125277Fine, WilliamDomestic10 MAR 87Domestic315172F.
19N19E25SW/4Washoe046277Hoadley, RichardDomestic10 OCT 80Drilled346 
19N19E25SW/4Washoe254277Gill, RichardDomestic20 DEC 91Not in use500 
19N19E25SW/4; NW/4Washoe032277Dreher, Bill and LindaDomestic05 AUG 85Domestic350170F.
19N19E26 Washoe126277Wilder, KeithDomestic08 APR 87Domestic235205F
19N19E26E/2Washoe483277Davis, DennisDomestic Well    
19N19E26N/2Washoe721277Reviglio, RickDomestic Well    
19N19E26NE/4Washoe632277Monk, GaryDomestic01 FEB 06Drilled380180F
19N19E26NE/4Washoe018277Tang, Yiwen Y.Domestic Well25 JUN 85Not in use600 
19N19E26NE/4Washoe110277Miles, StanleyDomestic13 DEC 86Domestic300201F.
19N19E26NE/4Washoe634277Handke, DarrelDomestic30 OCT 06Drilled397198F
19N19E26NE/4, NE/4Washoe116277Lohse, JohnDomestic27 JAN 87Domestic430190F
19N19E26NE/4, NE/4Washoe040277Diedrichsen, David L.Domestic Expired  
19N19E26NE/4, SE/4Washoe364277Luciano, Robert A.Domestic18 AUG 93Drilled  
19N19E26NE/4, SE/4Washoe368277Luciano, Robert A.Domestic30 AUG 93Drilled  
19N19E26NE/4; NE/4Washoe052277St. Luke's Luthern ChurchInjection Well No. 229 JAN 86Injection465134F
19N19E26NE/4; NE/4WashoeDWR-41933277St. Luke's Luthern ChurchInjection Well No. 130 SEP 80P&A330Hot
19N19E26NE/4; NE/4WashoeDWR-41933277St. Luke's Luthern ChurchProduction Well No. 123 MAY 81Production400158F
19N19E26NW/4WashoeDWR-40309277Warren EstatesWarren Geothermex Well No. 101 APR 80P&A696 
19N19E26NW/4Washoe084277Metzker, WilliamDomestic1986Not in use200 
19N19E26NW/4; NE/4Washoe210277Bradley, BillDomestic Expired  
19N19E26NW/4; NE/4Washoe120277Bradley, BillDomesticMAR 87P&A1100 
19N19E26SE/4Washoe160277Newman, GordonDomestic25 NOV 87Domestic350170F
19N19E26SE/4Washoe146277Karam, Nagib and JoanneDomestic18 SEP 87Domestic385200F.
19N19E26SE/4, NE/4Washoe510277Yamamoto, CaryDomestic Well    
19N19E26SE/4, NE/4Washoe621277Longe, GregDomestic15 DEC 05Drilled350190F
19N19E26SE/4, NW/4Washoe642277Nevada Geothermal Utility CompanyCommercial Production Well WE 324 JUL 85Injection1475Range: 50C at 150' to 90C at 1250'
19N19E26SE/4; NE/4Washoe142277Bussa, RandyDomestic03 AUG 87Domestic290178F
19N19E26SE/4; NE/4Washoe415277Gurney, RobertDomestic Expired  
19N19E26SE/4; NE/4Washoe381277Moore, PleasieDomestic Injection Well04 FEB 94Drilled  
19N19E26SE/4; NE/4Washoe380277Moore, PleasieDomestic Production Well01 FEB 94Drilled  
19N19E26SE/4; NW/4Washoe223277Owens, GaryDomestic1989(?)Domestic600(?) 
19N19E26SE/4; NW/4Washoe141277Hawkins, PrinceDomestic29 JUN 87Domestic660200F.
19N19E26SE/4; SE/4Washoe006277Peterson, JackDomestic30 MAY 85Domestic350195F.
19N19E26SE/4; SE/4Washoe165277Price, ConradDomestic10 FEB 88Domestic345200F at 345'.
19N19E26SE/4; SW/4Washoe049277Talsma, JackDomestic28 DEC 85Domestic315178F.
19N19E26SW/4Washoe017277Parker, LanceDomestic Expired  
19N19E26SW/4Washoe008277DiPietro, JohnDomestic07 JUN 85Domestic257185F.
19N19E26SW/4, NW/4Washoe641277Nevada Geothermal Utility CompanyCommercial Production Well WE 210 JUN 85Production689Range: 50C at 120' to 100C at 600'
19N19E26SW/4, NW/4Washoe628277Nevada Geothermal Utility CompanyInjection Well WE-119 APR 82Injection83393F at 800'.
19N19E26SW/4; NW/4Washoe410277Nevada Geothermal Utilities CompanyWarren Estates Injection Well No. 4MAR 95Drilled  
19N19E27NE/4; NE/4Washoe035277Pennington, BillDomestic23 NOV 85Domestic930190F.
19N19E27NE/4; SE/4Washoe007277Bohach, JohnDomestic18 JUL 85Domestic650216F.
19N19E27NE/4; SE/4Washoe005277Manville, DorisDomestic29 APR 85Domestic780194F.
19N20E17NWE/4Washoe207277Matney, Floyd and MaxineDomestic1989(?)Domestic300(?) 
19N20E23NW/4, SE/4Washoe 278Curti, GaryDomestic29 SEP 82Domestic260189F
19N20E27NE/4, NW/4Washoe085277Thrall, Ben C.Domestic1986Domestic300 
19N20E28NE/4, NE/4Washoe100277Curti, Harold and BarbaraDomestic19 NOV 86Domestic410115F
19N22E01SW/4, NE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 46-1 Not drilled  
19N22E05NW/4, NW/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 22-503 MAY 86???500 
19N22E14SW/4, NE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 64-14 Not drilled  
19N22E15NE/4, NE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 82-1008 MAY 86 400 
19N22E16NW/4, SE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 66-16 Not drilled  
19N22E32SW/4, NE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 63-6 Not drilled  
19N23E03SW/4, SW/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 28-3 Not drilled  
19N23E07NE/4, NE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 72-7 Not drilled  
19N23E19NE/4, NE/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 82-19 Not drilled  
19N23E21SW/4, SW/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 28-21 Not drilled  
19N23E34SW/4, NW/4Storey037 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 23-34 Not drilled  
19N27E32SE/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 927 SEP 72P&A(?)165 
19N27E35NW/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 81972P&A(?)500Range: 62F at 50' to 98F at 500'
19N28E05CChurchill 013Chevron Resources CompanyWell No. 44-502 FEB 78Abandoned(?)5070230F
19N30E01NE/4, NE/4Churchill102014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCDe Braga No. 81A-122 NOV 88P&A2731Range: 90F at 20' to 338F at 1200'
19N30E01NE/4, NE/4Churchill181014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCDe Braga No. 81-110 JAN 77Injection4000 
19N30E01NE/4, NW/4Churchill135014AMOR IV Corp.Vierra No. 2 Expired  
19N30E01NE/4, SE/4Churchill114014AMOR IV Corp.De Braga No. 5 Expired  
19N30E01NW/4, NW/4Churchill127014AMOR IV Corp.De Braga No. 7 Expired  
19N30E01NW/4, SE/4Churchill183014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCR. Weishaupt No. 129 JUN 81Observation10,014331F between 1200'-1600'
19N30E01NW/4; NW/4Churchill631014Enel Stillwater, LLCInjection Well No. 11-104 OCT 07Drilled  
19N30E01SE/4, NE/4Churchill113014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCDe Braga No. 84-107 FEB 89P&A936 
19N30E07SE/2Churchill 014Kent RanchWell No. 10Abt 1922Producer250 
19N30E12 Churchill251014Kent, BruceDomestic Expired  
19N30E12S/2Churchill 014T. A. Dalton RanchWell No. 9Abt 1922Producer250 
19N30E12SE/4,NE/4Churchill753014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 84-12    
19N30E16SE/4, SE/4Churchill195014Fallon Paiute-Shoshone TribesWell No. TG-104 AUG 88P&A501Range: 14C at 20'-22C at 493'
19N31E05NW/4, NW/4Churchill133014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCM. Weishaupt No. 214 JAN 77Observation5532 
19N31E06NW/4, NE/4Churchill132014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCM. Weishaupt No. 110 DEC 76Observation3450 
19N31E06NW/4, NW/4Churchill182014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCDe Braga No. 21-614 MAY 79Observation(?)6946Range: 275F at 730' to 336F at 6946'
19N31E06NW/4, NW/4Churchill128014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 21A-630 OCT 88Production1500Range: 96F at 20' to 337F at 1300'
19N31E06NW/4, NW/4Churchill219014AMP Resources (Stillwater), Inc.Well No. 12-602 JAN 89Production1348Maximum T 342F at TD
19N31E06NW/4, NW/4Churchill447014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLC.Well No. 12A-6DEC 97Drilled6700 
19N31E06SW/4Churchill 014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 27-6 (Reynolds No. 1)1964P&A4237Max T 264F
19N31E06SW/4Churchill270014Weishaupt, MarvinDomestic09 MAY 91Domestic325 
19N31E06SW/4, NW/4Churchill211014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 13-612 MAR 89Production1303 
19N31E06SW/4, NW/4Churchill213014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 14-607 FEB 89P&A88780C during blowout.
19N31E06SW/4, NW/4Churchill212014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 13A-618 MAR 89Production1250Range: 90F at 20' to 340F at 1150'
19N31E07NW/4, NW/4Churchill115014AMOR IV Corp.Lawrence No. 1 Expired  
19N31E07NW/4, SW/4Churchill255014AMOR IV Corp.Well No. 65-7 Expired  
19N31E07NW/4,SW/4Churchill752014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 16-7    
19N31E07SE/4, NW/4Churchill594014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 34-723 AUG 05Drilled1460 
19N31E07SW/4, NE/4Churchill595014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 54-721 OCT 05Drilled1400 
19N31E07SW/4, NE/4Churchill707014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 63-7OCT 07Drilled1650 
19N31E07SW/4, NE/4Churchill706014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 26-7NOV 07Drilled2920 
19N31E07SW/4, NW/4Churchill225014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 24-701 OCT 89Injection2862Range: 80F at 20' to 295F at 1700'
19N31E18NE/4Churchill 014Wheeler Oil SyndicateWell No. 11Abt 1922Domestic750212F
19N34E16NW/4ChurchillN-16795 Rosewood CorporationNevada Federal 66-16 (Pirouette Mtn.)18 OCT 82P&A7379 
20-21N26-27E  Churchill/Ly865(PA)177Patua Project, LLCProject Area    
20N22E34SE/4, SE/4Storey072 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 87-3406 MAY 86Drilled500 
20N23E24NW/4, NE/4Storey073 Union Oil Company of California, Geothermal DivisionWell No. 52-2410 MAY 86Drilled400 
20N25E18 Lyon 177Magma Power CompanyHazen No. 2(?)1961 300 
20N25E18 Lyon 177Magma Power CompanyHazen No. 3(?)1961???300 
20N25E18SW/4Lyon 177Magma Power CompanyHazen No. 1(?)1961 750Max T 275+F
20N25E24SW/4, SW/4, SE/4Lyon 177Magma Energy, Inc.Fernley No. 127 APR 75P&A3668 
20N26E01SE/4, SW/4Churchill878177Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 44-1 Drilled  
20N26E09NE/4; SW/4Churchill928177Vulcan Power Company, LLCObservation Well 45-9    
20N26E13SW/4; SW/4Churchill872177Vulcan Power CompanyObservation Well No. 28-13 Drilled  
20N26E15NE/4; SW/4Churchill929177Vulcan Power Company, LLCObservation Well 45-15    
20N26E17NW/4, NW/4Lyon611177Geothermal Rail Industrial Development, LLCThermal Gradient Well HTG No. 330 SEP 05Drilled  
20N26E17NW/4, SW/4Lyon612177Geothermal Rail Industrial Development, LLCThermal Gradient Well HTG No. 424 SEP 05Drilled  
20N26E17SW/4; NW/4Lyon873177Vulcan Power CompanyObservation Well No. 23A-17    
20N26E17SW/4; NW/4Lyon826177Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 23-17    
20N26E17SW/4; NW/4Lyon827177Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 37-17 Drilled  
20N26E19NE/4, NW/4Lyon609177Geothermal Rail Industrial Development, LLCThermal Gradient Well HTG No. 105 OCT 05Drilled  
20N26E19NE/4; NW/4Lyon870177Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 21A-19    
20N26E19NE/4; NW/4Lyon824177Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 21-19    
20N26E19NE/4; SE/4Lyon825177Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 77-19 Drilled  
20N26E19NW/4, NW/4Lyon638177Geothermal Rail Industrial Development LLCHazen Well No. 11-19 Expired  
20N26E19SE/4, NW/4, NW/4Lyon610177Geothermal Rail Industrial Development, LLCThermal Gradient Well HTG No. 208 SEP 05Drilled  
20N26E21SE/4; NW/4Churchill892177Vulcan Power CompanyProduction Well 44-21    
20N26E21SW/4; SE/4Churchill908177Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 68-21    
20N26E23SE/4; NW/4Churchill874177Vulcan Power CompanyObservation Well No. 33-23 Drilled  
20N26E27NE/4; NE/4Churchill909177Vulcan Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 68-21    
20N26E27SW/4; NE/4Churchill930177Vulcan Power Company, LLCObservation Well 54-27    
20N27E18NE/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 1213 OCT 72P&A(?)164Range: 55F at 44' to 65F at 164'
20N28E  Churchill911(PA)013Magma Energy (U. S.) Corp.Soda Lake Project Area    
20N28E28NE/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 1029 SEP 72Test hole164Range: 67F at 44' to 99F at 164'
20N28E28NE/4, SW/4Churchill266013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 45-2821 MAR 91 4758Range: 336F at 900' to 354F at 4000'
20N28E28NW/4Churchill 013Lucas RanchWell No. 1Abt 1922Abandoned60150F
20N28E28NW/4, NE/4Churchill240013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 62-2830 MAR 90P&A4000Range: 158F at 500' to 300F at 3927'
20N28E28SE/4, NW/4Churchill258013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 34-28 Expired  
20N28E28SE/4, SW/4Churchill372013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 38-28 Expired  
20N28E28SW/4Churchill 013U. S. GovernmentWell No. 2Abt 1922Abandoned70150F
20N28E28SW/4, NE/4Churchill263013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 53-2814 JAN 91Injection2324Range: 47F at 20' to 298F at 2300'
20N28E28SW/4, SW/4Churchill245013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 17-28M Expired  
20N28E28SW/4, SW/4Churchill371013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 27-28 Expired  
20N28E29C, SE/4, SE/4ChurchillDWR-28881013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 1-2901 JAN 75Production4306Range: 100F at 75' to 287F at 640'
20N28E29SE/4, SE/4Churchill264013AMOR IX Corp.Well No. 78-29Expired   
20N28E29SE/4, SE/4Churchill265013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 87-2916 MAR 91Injection1578Range: 312F at 700' to 266F at 265'
20N28E33NE/4, NE/4Churchill271013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 41-33A15 JUN 91Observation1100Range: 80F at 20' to 372F at 1048'
20N28E33NE/4, NE/4Churchill268013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 81-3324 MAY 91Injection7350Range: 61F at 100' to 295F at 2725'
20N28E33NE/4, NW/4Churchill269013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 41-3324 MAY 91Production886Range: 92F at 20' to 362F at 886'
20N28E33NE/4, NW/4Churchill913013Magma Energy (U. S.) Corp.Industrial Production Well 41B-33    
20N28E33NE/4, NW/4Churchill369013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 32-3309 OCT 93Drilled  
20N28E33NE/4, SE/4Churchill259013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 55-3311 DEC 90Injection2380Range: 70F at 100' to 265F at 2273'
20N28E33NE/4, SE/4Churchill260013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 33-2822 DEC 90P&A1997Range: 110F at 50' to 260F at 1975'
20N28E33NE/4, SW/4Churchill253013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 45-3316 NOV 90P&A2108Range: 75F at 100' to 270F at 2074'
20N28E33NW/4Churchill 013Chevron Resources CompanyWell No. 36-781978 2000340F
20N28E33NW/4, NE/4Churchill 013Chevron Resources CompanyWell No. 63-331979 2000 
20N28E33NW/4, NW/4Churchill241013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 11-33A12 JUN 90P&A4000Range: 88F at 20' to 330F at 3943'
20N28E33NW/4, NW/4Churchill256013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 11-33A17 NOV 90P&A5073374F at 4375'.
20N28E33NW/4, NW/4, NW/4Churchill 013Chevron CorporationWell No. 11-3311 JAN 79P&A2000371F at 2000'
20N28E33NW/4, SE/4Churchill499013AMOR IX Corp.Soda Lake 22-33    
20N28E33NW/4, SW/4Churchill262013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 25-3319 JAN 91P&A2908Range: 54F at 10' to 306F at 2645'
20N28E33SE/4ChurchillDWR-41931013AMOR III Corp.No. 84-3308 MAY 81Production8,489Max T 394F
20N28E33SE/4, NE/4Churchill103013Chevron Geothermal CompanyWell No. 83-33 Expired  
20N28E33SE/4, NE/4Churchill247013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 84-33A22 AUG 90Production3533363F, flowing 1182 gpm between 3165'-3385'
20N28E33SE/4, NE/4Churchill250013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 84-33B23 OCT 90Production3745 
20N28E33SE/4, NW/4Churchill912013Magma Energy (U. S.) Corp.Industrial Production Well 45A-33    
20N28E33SW/4, NE/4Churchill239013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 64-3322 MAR 90Injection4285Range: 130F at 500' to 365F at 4045'
20N28E33SW/4, NE/4Churchill257013Soda Lakes Resources PartnershipWell No. 64-33 (Re-entry)14 NOV 90Injection4833Range: 65F at 100' to 372F at 4665'
20N28E34SE/4, SW/4Churchill 013Chevron Resources CompanyWell No. 58-34FEB 80???3500 
20N29E32SW/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationDH No. 1112 OCT 72P&A(?)164Range: 56F at 64' to 61F at 164'
20N30E36SE/4, SE/4Churchill112014AMOR IV Corp.De Braga No. 87-36 Expired  
20N30E36SW/4, SE/4Churchill129014AMOR IV Corp.De Braga No. 9 Expired  
20N30E36SW/4, SW/4Churchill705014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 17-36    
20N30E36SW/4, SW/4Churchill134014AMOR IV Corp.Vierra No. 1 Expired  
20N30E36SW/4, SW/4Churchill746014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 28-36APR 08Injection2310 
20N31E07SE/4, NW/4Churchill927014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Injection Well 33-7    
20N31E19SW/4, SE/4Churchill606014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 67-1925 SEP 05Drilled1847 
20N31E20NE/4, SW/4Churchill505014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCThermal Gradient Well No. 44-20 Drilled500 
20N31E29SW/4, NW/4Churchill504014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCThermal Gradient Well No. 23-29 Drilled500 
20N31E30 Churchill502PA014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCProject Area    
20N31E30NE/4, NW/4Churchill921014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Production Well 31A-30 Drilled  
20N31E30NE/4, NW/4Churchill506014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCObservation Well No. 31-30 Drilled4430 
20N31E30NE/4, SW/4Churchill503014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCProduction Well No. 45-30AUG 02Drilled2642 
20N31E30NW/4, NE/4Churchill283014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 62-3021 FEB 92Observation2289 
20N31E30SE/4, NW/4, NE/4Churchill495014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCCommercial Production Well SF 62-30 (62A-30)JUL 02Drilled2360 
20N31E30SW/4, NE/4Churchill926014Enel Stillwater, LLCIndustrial Production Well 53A-30    
20N31E30SW/4, NE/4Churchill501014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 53-30 (Deep Blue No. 1) Drilled2598 
20N31E31NE/4, NE/4Churchill508014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCObservation Well SH 1 Drilled2502 
20N31E31NW/4, NW/4Churchill278014AMP resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 21-3106 SEP 91Injection4522 
20N31E31NW/4, SW/4Churchill218014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 25-3115 AUG 91Injection4000Range: 134F at 100' to 324F at 3100'
20N31E31SE/4, NW/4Churchill131014AMOR IV Corp.Kent No. 2 Expired  
20N31E31SW/4, SW/4Churchill206014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCKent No. 17-3119 DEC 88Injection2920Range: 100F at 50' to 330F at 900'
20N31E31SW/4, SW/4Churchill130014AMP Resources (Stillwater), LLCWell No. 17A-3106 JUL 88Injection1270Range: 96F at 8' to 337F at 1125'
20N45E  Lander901(PA)McGinnessOrmat Nevada, Inc.McGinness Hills Project Area    
20N45E10SE/4, SW/4Lander910McGinnessOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 38-10    
20N45E15SE/4, NW/4Lander903McGinnessOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 21-15 Permit Changed  
20N45E22NE/4, NE/4Lander918McGinnessOrmat Nevada, Inc.TG 83-22    
20N45E22NE/4, SE/4Lander916McGinnessOrmat Nevada, Inc.TG 67-22    
20N45E22NE/4, SE/4Lander919McGinnessOrmat Nevada, Inc.TG 85-22    
20N45E22NW/4, NE/4Lander915McGinnessOrmat Nevada, Inc.TG 61-22    
20N45E22NW/4, SE/4Lander917McGinnessOrmat Nevada, Inc.TG 73-22    
20S52E23NW/4, NW/4Nye666230Groene, Ted and JudyDomestic22 AUG 06Drilled200 
21N20E12SW/4Washoe242274Thrall, Roger M.Domestic Expired  
21N63E24 White Pine 289Magma Power CompanyMonte Neva No. 1(?)1965???402Max T 190F
21SN53E11SW/4, NE/4Nye889230Smith, LarryDomestic    
21SN53E11SW/4, NW/4Nye890230Hamrick, StevenDomestic    
22N26E NE/4, NE/4Churchill540PA010Brady Power PartnersProject Area    
22N26E01NE/4, NE/4Churchill309010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 81-130 JAN 92Observation745Range: 63F at 0' to 350' at 480'
22N26E01NE/4, NE/4, NE/4Churchill329010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 81B-122 MAR 92Drilled678295F at 450'
22N26E01NE/4, NE/4, NE/4Churchill323010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 81A-126 FEB 92Drilled704341F at 504'
22N26E01NE/4, NW/4, SE/4Churchill 010Magma Energy, Inc.SP Brady No. 225 MAR 75 4446Max Temp 138C
22N26E01NE/4, SE/4, SW/4Churchill315010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 47A-119 DEC 91Production2325Range: 327F at 50' to 361F at 1850'
22N26E01NE/4, SE/4, SW/4Churchill317010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 47C-125 NOV 91Production1920Range: 309F at 1040' to 361F at 1440'
22N26E01NW/4, SE/4Churchill318010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 46-130 NOV 91Production2000Range: 175F at 100' to 358F at 1550'
22N26E01NW/4, SE/4Churchill320010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 55-130 SEP 91Production1869Range: 306F at 100' to 349F at 1000'
22N26E01NW/4, SE/4Churchill277010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 56-113 SEP 91Observation2404Range: 313F at 100' to 350' at 1125'
22N26E01NW/4; NE/4Churchill449010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 1A    
22N26E01SE/4, NE/4, SW/4Churchill319010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 46A-130 NOV 91Production1938Range: 327F at 100' to 358F at 1800'
22N26E01SE/4, NW/4Churchill450010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 2 Drilled  
22N26E01SE/4, SE/4Churchill244010Hot Springs Power CompanyWell No. 77-109 AUG 90Observation2918Range: 219F at 250' to 333F at 2918'
22N26E01SE/4, SW/4Churchill389010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 48-1 Expired  
22N26E01SE/4, SW/4Churchill316010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 48A-120 MAR 94Drilled1180 
22N26E01SE/4, SW/4Churchill391010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 38-1 Expired  
22N26E01SE/4, SW/4Churchill390010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 48C-1 Expired  
22N26E01SE/4, SW/4, NE/4Churchill322010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 64-117 OCT 91Production2959Range: 207F at 30' to 341F at 955'
22N26E01SE/4, SW/4, NW/4Churchill252010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 57-101 NOV 90Observation3011Range: 320F at 100' to 350' at 3009'
22N26E01SW/4, NW/4, SE/4Churchill321010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 56A-113 NOV 91Production1979Range: 310F at 400' to 385F at 1745'
22N26E01SW/4, SE/4Churchill282010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 56B-1 (57A-1)30 SEP 91Production1206Range: 306F at 100' to 353' at 1050'
22N26E01SW/4, SE/4Churchill168010Brady Hot Springs Geothermal AssociatesNew MGI-217 FEB 86Observation443Range: 250F at 100' to 348F at 443'
22N26E01SW/4, SE/4Churchill287010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 68A-119 DEC 91P&A2500Range: 63F at 20' to 296' at 1726'
22N26E01SW/4, SE/4Churchill292010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 68B-114 DEC 91Observation1999Range: 124F at 20' to 323' at 1735'
22N26E01SW/4, SW/4Churchill342010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 18-110 MAR 93Injection5763 
22N26E01SW/4, SW/4Churchill437010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 27-1 Drilled  
22N26E01SW/4, SW/4Churchill438010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 27A-1    
22N26E01SW/4, SW/4Churchill166*010Union Oil of CaliforniaSP Brady No. 104 OCT 74???7275371F at 6910'
22N26E01SW/4, SW/4, SW/4Churchill355010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 18A-130 APR 93Drilled  
22N26E11NE/4, NE/4Churchill370010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 82A-1102 JUN 94Drilled  
22N26E11NE/4, NE/4Churchill296010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 81-1131 DEC 91P&A1585Range: 78F at 100' to 152' at 928'
22N26E11NE/4, NW/4Churchill043010Munson Geothermal, Inc.Well No. CW-2 Expired  
22N26E11NE/4, SE/4Churchill452010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 3A    
22N26E11SE/4, NE/4, NE/4Churchill375010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 82-11    
22N26E11SE/4, SE/4Churchill535010ORNI 9, LLCObservation Well No. 88-11    
22N26E11SE/4, SW/4Churchill044010Munson Geothermal, Inc.Well No. CW-3 Expired  
22N26E11SW/4, NE/4Churchill042010Munson Geothermal, Inc.Well No. CW-1 Expired  
22N26E11SW/4, SE/4Churchill045010Munson Geothermal, Inc.Well No. CW-3 Expired  
22N26E12 Churchill 010Earth Energy, Inc.Brady Prospect No. 11965(?) 1758Range: 250F at 50' to 352F at 500'
22N26E12NE/4, NE/4Churchill172010Brady Hot Springs Geothermal AssociatesWell No. 82-12 I Expired  
22N26E12NE/4, NE/4Churchill171010Brady Hot Springs Geothermal AssociatesWell No. 81-12 I Expired  
22N26E12NE/4, SE/4, NW/4Churchill 010Magma Energy, Inc.SP Brady No. 815 APR 75 3469 
22N26E12NE/4, SW/4Churchill 010Magma Power CompanyBrady No. 11959(?) 1567Bottom T 300+F (700'); 295F at 400-600'
22N26E12NE/4, SW/4Churchill 010Magma Power CompanyBrady No. 21960(?) 341Max T 330F; 120C at 30m
22N26E12NW/4, NE/4Churchill169010Brady Hot Springs Geothermal AssociatesWell No. 51-12 P Expired  
22N26E12NW/4, NE/4Churchill170010Brady Hot Springs Geothermal AssociatesWell No. 52-12 P Expired  
22N26E12NW/4, NW/4, NE/4Churchill050010Brady Hot Springs Geothermal AssociatesMGI-120 OCT 85Production623 
22N26E12NW/4, SW/4Churchill451010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 3 Drilled  
22N26E12NW/4, SW/4Churchill562PA010Brady Power PartnersCommercial Production Well 15-12 Drilled  
22N26E12NW/4, SW/4Churchill676010Brady Power PartnersIndustrial Production Well 16-12    
22N26E12SE/4, NW/4ChurchillDWR-29509010Geothermal Food Processors, Inc.Commercial Well15 MAR 80Commercial611340F
22N26E12SE/4, NW/4ChurchillDWR-44647010Gilroy Foods, Inc.Brady No. 5A20 APR 86Production1,078Range: 156C at 320' to 119F at 580'
22N26E12SE/4, NW/4Churchill 010Magma Power CompanyBrady No. 91975(?)   
22N26E12SE/4, NW/4Churchill 010Magma Power CompanyBrady No. 31960(?) 610Max T 335F; 314F at 240'
22N26E12SE/4, NW/4Churchill 010Earth Energy, Inc.Brady EE No. 110 DEC 64 5062Range: 274F at 750' to 414F at 5042'
22N26E12SE/4, NW/4Churchill 010Magma Power CompanyBrady No. 41961(?) 723 
22N26E12SE/4, NW/4, SW/4Churchill313010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 26-1220 FEB 92Drilled1629240F at 1617'
22N26E12SE/4, SW/4Churchill051010Brady Hot Springs Geothermal AssociatesMGI-3 Expired  
22N26E12SW/4, NE/4Churchill 010Magma Power CompanyBrady No. 51961(?) 1800Max T 340F; 320F at 320'
22N26E12SW/4, NE/4Churchill 010Magma Power CompanyBrady No. 61962(?) 773 
22N26E12SW/4, NE/4Churchill 010Magma Power CompanyBrady No. 71962(?) 250 
22N26E12SW/4, SW/4Churchill677010Brady Power PartnersIndustrial Production Well 17-12    
22N26E13NW/4, NW/4Churchill297010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 22-1317 JAN 92Observation2973Range: 167F at 100' to 238' at 400'
22N26E13NW/4, NW/4Churchill454010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 4A    
22N26E13NW/4, NW/4Churchill308010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 21-13 Expired  
22N26E14NE/4, NE/4Churchill533010ORNI 9, LLCObservation Well No. 82-14    
22N26E14NE/4, NE/4Churchill453010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 4    
22N26E14SW/4, NE/4Churchill534010ORNI 9, LLCObservation Well No. 55-14    
22N26E25NE/4Churchill479010Brady Power PartnersIndustrial Injection Well No. 73-25    
22N26E25NE/4Churchill478010Brady Power PartnersIndustrial Injection Well No. 51-25    
22N26E25NE/4Churchill481010Brady Power PartnersIndustrial Injection Well No. 81-25    
22N26E25NE/4Churchill480010Brady Power PartnersIndustrial Injection Well No. 74-25    
22N26E25NE/4, NE/4Churchill473010Western States/Brady Power PartnersWell No. 22-22    
22N26E25NE/4, NE/4Churchill476010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 10    
22N26E25NE/4, NE/4Churchill472010Western States/Brady Power PartnersWell No. 21-1    
22N26E25NE/4, NE/4Churchill470010Western States/Brady Power PartnersInjection Well No. 21-2    
22N26E25NE/4, NE/4Churchill471010Western States/Brady Power PartnersProduction Well No. 67-21    
22N26E25NE/4, NE/4Churchill474010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 8    
22N26E25NE/4, NE/4Churchill475010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 9    
22N26E25NE/4, SW/4Churchill455010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 5    
22N26E25NW/4, SE/4Churchill457010Brady Power PartnersWell BCH No. 7 Drilled  
22N26E31SW/4, SW/4, SW/4Churchill314010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 18-3108 FEB 92Observation655310F at TD
22N26E36SE/4, SE/4Churchill448010Brady Power PartnersWell No. BCH No. 1    
22N27E  Churchill519PA012ORNI 3, LLCProject Area    
22N27E13NW/4, NE/4, SW/4Churchill347012Western States GeothermalWell No. 34-1314 FEB 93Drilled  
22N27E15NE/4, SW/4Churchill517012Ormat Nevada, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well ST 11(c) Drilled  
22N27E15SW/4, SW/4Churchill529012ORNI 3, LLCIndustrial Production Well 27-15 Drilled  
22N27E21NE/4, NE/4ChurchillDWR-40019012Western States Geothermal CompanyDesert Peak B No. 21-220 DEC 76Injection3192Resrevoir temp: 392F
22N27E21NE/4, NE/4Churchill538012ORNI 3, LLCIndustrial Production Well 77-21 Drilled  
22N27E21NE/4, SE/4ChurchillDWR-45397012Western States Geothermal CompanyDesert Peak No. 67-2105 DEC 84Production4097325F
22N27E21NE/4, SE/4Churchill 012Phillips Petroleum CompanyDesert Peak No. 75-2129 NOV 84   
22N27E21S/2, SE/4ChurchillDWR-30693012Phillips Petroleum CompanyDesert Peak B No. 21-118 NOV 76Production(?)4150Reservoir Temp: 406F
22N27E21SE/4ChurchillDWR-46070012Western States Geothermal CompanyWell No. 86-2118 AUG 82Production3269325F
22N27E21SE/4, NE/4Churchill536012ORNI 3, LLCIndustrial Production Well 74-21 Drilled  
22N27E21SE/4, NW/4Churchill518012Ormat Nevada, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well ST 12(a) Drilled  
22N27E21SE/4, NW/4Churchill521012ORNI 3, LLCIndustrial Production Well 43-21 Drilled  
22N27E21SE/4, SW/4Churchill531012ORNI 3, LLCIndustrial Production Well 37-21    
22N27E22NW/4Churchill 012Phillips Petroleum CompanyDesert Peak No. 22-2222 OCT 82 6730 
22N27E23NE/4Churchill693012Phillips Petroleum CompanyDesert Peak B No. 23-101 JUN 79P&A(?)9641397F at TD; Maximum T 408F
22N27E27NW/4, NW/4Churchill88412Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 11-27    
22N27E27NW/4, NW/4Churchill866012Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well No. 21-27    
22N27E28NW/4, NE/4Churchill780012ORNI 3, LLCIndustrial Production Well 62-28    
22N27E28NW/4; NW/4Churchill762012Ormat Nevada, Inc.ST-1030 DEC 84 3015209F
22N27E28SE/4, NE/4Churchill745012Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 74-28    
22N27E29SE/4, SE/4, SE/4Churchill  Phillips Petroleum CompanyDesert Peak No. 29-118 MAY 74P&A(?)7662Range: 175F at 200' to 325F at 7662'
22N31E10NW/4Churchill  Bureau of ReclamationAF No. 1210 OCT 72Test hole500 
22N36E01NW/4, SW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-1601 SEP 79 485 
22N36E01NW/4, SW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-1505 SEP 79 486 
22N36E24SE/4, NW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-2229 AUG 79 200Cold
22N37E01NW/4, NW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-1325 SEP 79 500Cold
22N37E13NE/4, NW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-2111 SEP 79 317Cold
22N37E17NW/4, NW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-1709 SEP 79 296 
22N40E07NW/4, NW/4, SW/4ChurchillN-18851McCoyAmax Exploration, Inc.McCoy Unit No. 14-7MAY 80Gradient(?)2000 
22N40E08NW/4, SE/4, NE/4ChurchillN-18852McCoyAmax Exploration, Inc.McCoy Unit No. 26-8A10 JAN 85D&A2094 
22N40E08SE/4, NE/4, SW/4ChurchillN-18852McCoyAmax Exploration, Inc.McCoy Unit No. 66-8MAR 80Gradient(?)2000 
22N40E08SW/4ChurchillN-18854McCoyAmax Exploration, Inc.McCoy Unit No. 28-1826 JUN 81D&A(?)400 
22N63E23C, SW/4White Pine 289Hunt Energy CorporationWell No. 37-231979P&A4506195F at 3473'
22N63E23NW/4, SE/4, SE/4White Pine 289Hunt Energy CorporationWell No. 77-2204 DEC 84P&A9000 
22N63E23SE/4, NE/4White PineDWR-41537289Hunt Energy CorporationWell No. 74-2324 OCT 80P&A11,017375F at TD
22S62E17NE1/4Clark328 Hadfield, Bart and RebeccaDomestic Well1994Domestic200 
23-24N25-26E  Churchill743(PA)FireballOrmat Nevada, Inc.Project Area    
23N20E22NW/4, NE/4Washoe744270Newcore Energy, LLCMarshall No. 1 Drilled  
23N20E26NW/4; SW/4Washoe216270Bator, Anthony, Jr.Domestic15 JUN 89Domestic617113F.
23N27E31SW/4, SW/4Churchill330010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 18C-31 Expired  
23N27E31SW/4, SW/4Churchill339010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 17-3130 JUL 92Drilled1094172F at 1048'
23N27E31SW/4, SW/4, SW/4Churchill326010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 18B-3129 MAR 92Drilled770316F at 555'
23N27E31SW/4, SW/4, SW/4Churchill325010Brady Power PartnersWell No. 18D-3112 MAR 92Drilled698328F at 450'
23N35E02NW/4, NW/4Churchill 005Southland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole Corral (SD-8; S-8)19 JUN 78P&A50075F at TD
23N35E14NE/4Churchill 005Southland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. SR-2A (SR-1A)23 SEP 78 1425196.7F at TD; Discharge water: 65C
23N35E14NE/4, SW/4Churchill009005Oxbow Geothermal CorporationDixie Federal No. 45-1410 JUL 79Monitoring9022379F AT 8500'
23N35E14NW/4, NW/4Churchill 005Southland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. SR-115 JUL 78 523Warm
23N35E14NW/4, NW/4Churchill 005Southland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. SR-21978 490 
23N35E14SE/4Churchill 005Southland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DD-906 APR 78 1440183.9F at 1430'
23N35E23SE/4, NE/4Churchill025004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationD. S. No. 1 Expired  
23N35E23SE/4, NE/4Churchill016004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationD. S. No. 1G Expired  
23N37E12NE/4, NW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-303 OCT 79 486 
23N37E14NE/4, NW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-501 OCT 79 486 
23N38E16NE/4, NE/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-411 OCT 79 462 
23N38E19NE/4, SE/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-705 NOV 79 500Cold
23N38E19SW/4, SW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-603 NOV 79 485 
23N38E20SE/4, SE/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-830 OCT 79 485Cold
23N38E22NW/4, SE/4Churchill Dixie VlyOxbow Geothermal CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. SR-427 JUN 80Gradient1500Range: 63F at 50' to 138F at 1000'
23N38E24SE/4, SE/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-107 OCT 79 485 
23N38E30NW/4, NW/4Churchill Dixie VlySouthland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. DV-901 NOV 79 485Cold
23N43E04NW/4, NE/4Lander715156Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG Well 62-4 (38-33) Drilled  
23N43E04NW/4, SE/4Lander667156Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.Observation Well 56-418 MAR 07Drilled  
23N43E04NW/4, SW/4Lander713156Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG Well 25-4    
23N43E04SW/4, NE/4Lander714156Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG Well 52-4    
23N43E04SW/4, NW/4Lander711156Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG Well 13-4 Drilled  
23N43E05SE/4, SE/4Lander712156Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.TG Well 88-5    
23N56E08NW/4, NE/4White Pine295287Anadarko Petroleum CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. 91-1A    
24-25N36-37E  Churchill402PA004Dixie Geothermal CorportaionDixie Valley PA-94 No. 1-17    
24N25E01SW/4; SW/4Churchill810Black WarNevada Geothermal Power CompanyBWTG-2    
24N25E01SW/4; SW/4Churchill813Black WarNevada Geothermal Power CompanyBWTG-5    
24N25E01SW/4; SW/4Churchill812Black WarNevada Geothermal Power CompanyBWTG-4    
24N25E01SW/4; SW/4Churchill811Black WarNevada Geothermal Power CompanyBWTG-3    
24N25E01SW/4; SW/4Churchill809Black WarNevada Geothermal Power CompanyBWTG-1    
24N25E01SW/4; SW/4Churchill813Black WarNevada Geothermal Power CompanyBWTG-5    
24N26E29SW/4, NE/4Churchill748FireballOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 63-29    
24N26E29SW/4, NE/4Churchill750FireballOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 65-29    
24N26E31SW/4, NE/4Churchill749FireballOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 85-31    
24N26E31SW/4, SE/4Churchill747FireballOrmat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 68-31    
24N36E13NE/4, NE/4Churchill539004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationS. W. Lamb No. 2 and 2B24 AUG 79Producer(?)8901Range: 100F at 750' to 411F at 7920'
24N36E14NE/4ChurchillN-17282004Republic Geothermal, Inc.Well No. 64-14 ST11 SEP 80P&A(?)3010 
24N36E14NE/4, SW/4Churchill409PA004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 36(A)-1420 OCT 94Drilled  
24N36E14NE/4, SW/4Churchill230004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 34-5 Expired  
24N36E14NE/4, SW/4Churchill382004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 36(13)-14MAY 94Drilled  
24N36E15NE/4ChurchillN-17282004Republic Geothermal, Inc.Well No. 53-15 ST04 SEP 80P&A(?)3010 
24N36E15NW/4, NE/4Churchill424PA004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 62(51)-15    
24N36E15NW/4, NE/4Churchill414PA004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 52-15    
24N36E15NW/4, NE/4Churchill425PA004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 52(41)-15    
24N36E16NE/4, SE/4Churchill 005Southland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. H-114 MAY 78 1500207.1F at TD
24N36E21SE/4, NW/4, SE/4Churchill010004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 66-2128 SEP 79Monitoring9780Range: 144F at 750' to 423F at 9270'
24N36E22NE/4, SW/4Churchill015004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 46-22G21 JUL 85Gradient1670Range: 85F at 100' to 165F at 1670'
24N36E22NE/4, SW/4Churchill024004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationD. C. No. 1 Expired  
24N36E23NW/4, NE/4Churchill378004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 62A(41)-2313 DEC 93Drilled  
24N36E23SW/4, NE/4Churchill361004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 62-2304 OCT 93Drilled  
24N36E24SE/4, NE/4ChurchillDWR-43557004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 83-24 Expired  
24N36E31NW/4Churchill 005Southland Royalty CompanyThermal Gradient Hole No. H-211 JUN 78 1500123.8F at TD
24N37E03NW/4, NW/4Churchill093004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationObservation Well No. 1-B25 JUL 86Observation72 
24N37E03NW/4, NW/4Churchill092004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationObservation Well No. 1-A25 JUL 86Observation52 
24N37E05NE/4, SE/4Churchill053004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 75-5 Expired  
24N37E05SE/4, NE/4, NE/4Churchill026004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 82-518 FEB 86Production9942TD 243F
24N37E05SE/4, SW/4, NW/4Churchill224004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 25-508 SEP 89Injection6215Range: 392.8F at 1000' to 401.6F at 6148'; Max T 403F
24N37E05SW/4, NW/4Churchill440004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 24-5    
24N37E05SW/4, NW/4Churchill166004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 45-509 OCT 81Injection9118Range: 142F at 740' to 414F at 8000'
24N37E06NE/4, NW/4Churchill444004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 32-6    
24N37E07NE/4, NE/4Churchill088004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 82-731 DEC 88Production9838TD 415F
24N37E07NE/4, SE/4Churchill343004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationProduction Well No. 76A-7 (re-entry)19 JUL 93Production9691 
24N37E07NE/4, SW/4, NE/4Churchill214004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 63-723 JUL 89Production9547Range: 170F at 100' to 393F at 8930'
24N37E07SE/4, NE/4Churchill623004Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 84-722 JAN 81Production8139Range: 100F at 650' to 476F at 8300'
24N37E07SE/4, NE/4Churchill091004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 74-7A Expired  
24N37E07SE/4, NE/4Churchill428004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 73-7B    
24N37E07SE/4, SW/4, NE/4Churchill077004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 73-729 MAR 86Production8890 
24N37E07SE/4, SW/4, NE/4Churchill065004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 74(85)-730 MAR 86Production8890Range: 115F at 750' to 485F at 8880'
24N37E07SW/4, NE/4Churchill076004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 64-7 Expired  
24N37E07SW/4, NE/4, SE/4Churchill078004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationProduction Well No. 76-724 MAY 86Production9691400F at 7420'
24N37E17NE/4, NW/4Churchill094004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationObservation Well No. 2-A23 JUL 86Observation52 
24N37E17NE/4, NW/4Churchill095004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationObservation Well No. 2-B23 JUL 86Observation75 
24N37E18NE/4, NE/4, NW/4Churchill108004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 52-1808 MAY 80Injection9860Range: 94F at 750' to 452F at 9608'
24N37E18NE/4, NE/4, NW/4Churchill246004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 41-1818 DEC 90Injection10,739 
24N37E18NE/4, NW/4Churchill090004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 33-18-B Expired  
24N37E18NE/4, NW/4Churchill064004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 32(32)-1801 APR 86Injection7461Max T 444F
24N37E18NE/4, NW/4Churchill234004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationS. W. Lamb No. 327 DEC 79Injection9126Range: 75F at 600' to 420F at 8150'
24N37E18NE/4, NW/4Churchill064B004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 32-1801 APR 86Injection7461Range: 101F at 750' to 408F at 7035'
24N37E18NW/4, NW/4Churchill233004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationS. W. Lamb No. 128 NOV 78Injection7255Range: 100F at 750' to 432F at 7100'
24N37E18NW/4, NW/4Churchill074004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 11-18 Expired  
24N37E18NW/4, SE/4ChurchillDWR-41920004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 65-1828 MAR 81Injection9466 
24N37E18NW/4, SE/4Churchill109004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 65-1828 MAR 81Injection9466Range: 750' at 95F to 425F at 8383'
24N37E18SE/4, NW/4Churchill089004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 33-18 Expired  
24N37E18SE/4, NW/4Churchill075004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 43-18 Expired  
24N37E21NW/4, NE/4Churchill624004Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLCObservation Well No. 62-2131 OCT 80Observation12,461Range: 16C at 0' to 184C at 12,000'
24N37E22 Churchill 004Sun Exploration and Development Company(?)S-DV-79-7A(?)1979(?)P&A(?)1500 
24N37E30NW/4, SE/4Churchill096004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationObservation Well No. 3-A24 JUL 86Observation50 
24N37E30NW/4, SE/4Churchill097004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationObservation Well No. 3-B24 JUL 86Observation70 
24N37E32SE/4, SW/4Churchill477004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationIndustrial Production Well No. 38-32    
24N43E04NW/4, SW/4Lander723 Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.Observation Well 25A-4    
24N43E04SW/4, NW/4Lander722 Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.Observation Well 13A-4    
24N43E33SW/4, SW/4Lander781156Sierra Geothermal Power, Inc.Observation Well 18-33 Drilled  
24N47E11NW/4, NW/4Lander659157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 11-15    
24N47E15NE/4, NE/4Lander584157Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG No. 5 (11-15)21 JUL 05Drilled  
24N47E15NE/4; SW/4Lander819157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 31-15    
24N47E15NW/4; SW/4Lander818157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 25-15    
24N47E15SE/4; SW/4Lander820157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 47-15    
24N47E15SW/4, NW/4Lander582157Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG No. 3 (14-15)20 JUL 05Drilled  
24N47E16NW/4, SE/4Lander580157Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG No. 1 (44-16)25 JUN 05Drilled  
24N47E16SE/4, SE/4Lander581157Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG No. 2 (67-16)01 JUL 05Drilled  
24N47E16SW/4, SE/4Lander660157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 67-1603 APR 07Drilled  
24N47E21NE/4, NE/4Lander583157Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG No. 4 (66-21)23 JUL 05Drilled  
24N47E21NW/4, SE/4Lander661157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 66-21    
24N47E22NW/4; NE/4Lander822157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 52-22    
24N47E22SE/4; NW/4Lander821157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 44-22    
24N47E22SE/4; SE/4Lander823157Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well No. 77-22    
24N56E20SW/4, NE/4White Pine295287Anadarko Petroleum CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. 91-6    
24N56E29SW/4, NE/4White Pine295287Anadarko Petroleum CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. 91-5    
24N56E32SW/4, NE/4White Pine295287Anadarko Petroleum CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. 91-4    
25E37E14SE1/4, SW1/4Pershing Dixie VlyOxbow Geothermal CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. SR-706 APR 80Gradient1500Cool
25N33E10SE/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 77-10 Expired  
25N33E17NE/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 64-17 Expired  
25N35E01NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 21-1 Expired  
25N35E02NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 24-2 Expired  
25N35E02SW/4, SW/4, NW/4Pershing021245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 14-209 SEP 85Abandoned300 
25N35E09NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 62-9 Expired  
25N35E09SW/4, SW/4, SW/4Pershing021245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 18-907 SEP 85Abandoned300 
25N35E15NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 31-15 Expired  
25N35E16NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 66-16 Expired  
25N36E15NE/4, NW/4Churchill413PA004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 32-15    
25N36E15SE/4, SE/4Churchill405PA004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 67(84)-15    
25N37E02SW1/4, NE1/4Pershing Dixie VlyOxbow Geothermal CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. SR-619 MAY 80Gradient1540Warm
25N37E28SE/4, NE/4, SE/4Churchill625004Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLCObservation Well No. 76-2811 APR 84Observation10,419Range: 135F at 500' to 278F at 8965'
25N37E32NE/4, SW/4Churchill446004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 46-32    
25N37E32NW/4, NE/4Churchill 004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. SR-314 FEB 80Gradient1500Range: 75F at 0' to 190F at 1300'
25N37E32SE/4; SW/4Churchill788004Terra-Glen Dixie Valley, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 38A-32    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill469004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal Gradient No. DJ10    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill464004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal gradient No. DJ5    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill468004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal gradient No. DJ9    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill463004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal gradient No. DJ4    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill466004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal gradient No. DJ7    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill462004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal gradient No. DJ3    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill467004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal gradient No. DJ8    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill461004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal Gradient No. DJ2    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill460004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal gradient No. DJ1    
25N37E32SW/4Churchill465004Oxbow Power CorporationThermal gradient No. DJ6    
25N37E32SW/4, SW/4Churchill445004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 27-32    
25N37E33NE/4, SE/4ChurchillDWR-47323004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 75-33 Expired  
25N37E33NE/4, SW/4Churchill627004Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 45-3302 MAY 86Production10,345Range: 93F at 1000' to 371F at 7530'
25N37E33NE/4, SW/4, SW/4Churchill626004Terra-Gen Dixie Valley, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 27-3330 AUG 83Production9110Range: 98F at 750' to 474F at 9062'
25N37E33SE/4, SW/4Churchill087004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 48-33 Expired  
25N37E33SE/4, SW/4Churchill426PA004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 37-33    
25N37E33SW/4, NE/4ChurchillDWR-47322004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 54-33 Expired  
25N37E33SW/4, SW/4Churchill060004Trans-Pacific Geothermal, Inc.Dixie Belle No. 4 Expired  
25N37E33SW/4, SW/4Churchill063004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 27(28)-33 Expired  
25N37E33SW/4, SW/4Churchill243004Oxbow Geothermal CorporationWell No. 28-3303 JUL 90Production9507 
25N56E27NW/4, NW/4White Pine295287Anadarko Petroleum CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. 91-213 DEC 91Thermal Grad.1030Range: 11C at 10' to 41C at 1030'.
26-27N40E  Pershing900(PA)242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Jersey Valley Project Area    
26N21E06NW/4, SW/4, SW/4Washoe 269Western Geothermal, Inc.Needles No. 31964   
26N21E06NW/4, SW/4, SW/4Washoe 269Western Geothermal, Inc.Needles No. 11964???5888240F
26N21E12C, W/2, SW/4Washoe 269Western Geothermal, Inc.Needles No. 21962P&A4000191F
26N33E07NW/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 12-7 Expired  
26N33E09NE/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 72-9 Expired  
26N33E12NE/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 71-12 Expired  
26N33E14SE/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 77-14 Expired  
26N33E21NE/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 81-21 Expired  
26N33E32SE/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 87-32 Expired  
26N33E35NW/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 22-35 Expired  
26N34E30NE/4Pershing020 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 82-30 Expired  
26N35E22SW/4, SE/4, SE/4Pershing021245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 78-2204 SEP 85Abandoned300 
26N35E23SW/4, NE/4, NE/4Pershing021245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 72-2305 SEP 85Abandoned300 
26N35E24NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 21-24 Expired  
26N35E24SE/4, NW/4, SE/4Pershing021245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 66-2408 SEP 85Abandoned300 
26N35E25SE/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 53-25 Expired  
26N35E26NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 32-26 Expired  
26N35E26SW/4, NE/4, NE/4Pershing021245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 72-2607 SEP 85Abandoned300 
26N35E28SW/4, SW/4, SE/4Pershing021245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 58-2805 SEP 85Abandoned300 
26N35E33SE/4, NE/4, SE/4Pershing021245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 86-3306 SEP 85Abandoned300 
26N35E34SW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 38-34 Expired  
26N35E35NE/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 52-35 Expired  
26N36E18NE/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 34-18 Expired  
26N36E19NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 36-19 Expired  
26N36E20SE/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 77-20 Expired  
26N36E31NW/4Pershing022245Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 13-31 Expired  
27N27E11SE/4, NE/4Pershing  Phillips Petroleum CompanyTemperature Gradient Hole08 OCT 83P&A1795Warm
27N32E09NW/4, NE/4Pershing888239Noresco, LLCThermal Gradient Well LCC TG No. 1 Drilled  
27N32E10SE/4, NW/4PershingN-13321239Getty Oil CompanyWell No. 44-1008 MAY 81Shut-in(?)7964Range: 111F at 0' to 282F at 7964'
27N40E22SE/4, SE/4Pershing876242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well No. 77-28    
27N40E27SW/4, SW/4Pershing699242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 18-27    
27N40E28NE/4, NE/4Pershing655242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 81-2826 DEC 07Drilled  
27N40E28NE/4, NE/4Pershing702242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 81-28    
27N40E28SE/4, NW/4Pershing654242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 44-28    
27N40E28SE/4, NW/4Pershing703242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 44-28    
27N40E28SE/4, SE/4Pershing902242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 87-28    
27N40E28SE/4, SE/4Pershing656242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 88-28    
27N40E29NE/4, SE/4Pershing657242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 86-29    
27N40E29NE/4, SE/4Pershing701242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 14-27 (86-29)    
27N40E33SE/4, NW/4Pershing658242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 33-3316 NOV 07Drilled  
27N40E33SE/4, NW/4Pershing700242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well 33A-33    
27N40E34NW/4, SW/4Pershing877242Ormat Nevada, Inc.Industrial Production Well No. 13-34 Permit Changed  
27N56E33SE/4, SE/4Elko295287Anadarko Petroleum CorporationThermal Gradient Hole No. 91-3    
29N23E  Washoe814(PA)265USG NevadaProject Area    
29N23E  Washoe427PA265Michael B. Stewart/San Emidio Resources, Inc.San Emidio Resources Project Area    
29N23E04NE/4, NW/4Washoe524265Empire Energy, LLCObservation Well 51-4 (PW-3) P&A  
29N23E08SE/4, SE/4Washoe276265San Emidio Resources, Inc.Kosmos No. 1-806 AUG 91Shut-in4013 
29N23E09NW/4; SE/4Washoe815265USG NevadaIndustrial Production Well No. 66-9    
29N23E09SE/4, SW/4Washoe 265Chevron Oil CompanyKosmos No. 1-910 MAR 78P&A5367 
29N23E09SW/4, SW/4Washoe279265San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 28-918 AUG 91Drilled1200Range: 56C at 100' to 73C at 1200'
29N23E09SW/4; SE/4Washoe816265USG NevadaIndustrial Production Well No. 68-9    
29N23E16NE/4, NW/4Washoe280265San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 51-1610 SEP 91Observation993Range: 125C at 900' to 131C at 100'
29N23E16NE/4, SE/4Washoe191265AMOR II CorporationSlim Hole E Expired  
29N23E16NE/4, SE/4Washoe312265San Emidio ResourcesWell No. 75-1620 MAR 92Production1817258F at 200'
29N23E16NE/4, SE/4Washoe403265Empire FarmsWell No. 75B-1608 SEP 94Drilled  
29N23E16NW/4, NE/4Washoe507265Empire Energy, LLCProduction Well EEP-02    
29N23E16NW/4, NE/4Washoe281265San Emidio Resources. Inc.Well No. 52-16 Expired  
29N23E16NW/4, SE/4Washoe419265San Emidio Resources, Inc.SER 94-2 Expired  
29N23E16NW/4, SE/4Washoe360265Empire FarmsWell No. 65C-1611 NOV 94Production  
29N23E16NW/4, SE/4Washoe420265San Emidio Resources, Inc.SER 94-3 Expired  
29N23E16NW/4, SE/4Washoe174265Stewart, Michael B.Observation Well No. 065a Expired  
29N23E16NW/4, SE/4Washoe418265San Emidio Resources, Inc.SER 94-103 JUN 97Drilled  
29N23E16NW/4, SE/4Washoe293265San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 65-1617 OCT 91P&A1150148C at 1150'
29N23E16NW/4, SE/4Washoe175265Stewart, Michael B.Observation Well No. 065b Expired  
29N23E16NW/4; NE/4Washoe817265USG NevadaIndustrial Production Well No. 62-16    
29N23E16SE/4, NW/4Washoe423265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 84-16 Expired  
29N23E16SW/4, SE/4Washoe176265San Emidio ResourcesWell No. 68-1631 MAR 88P&A680280F at 100'.
29N23E21NE/4, NE/4Washoe196265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 81-21 Expired  
29N23E21NE/4, NE/4Washoe180265AMOR II CorporationSlim Hole B06 MAY 88Observation2000 
29N23E21NE/4, NE/4Washoe179265AMOR II CorporationSlim Hole A25 MAY 88Observation2000 
29N23E21NE/4, NW/4Washoe217265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 32-2124 SEP 88P&A700Range: 112F at 10' to 228F at 625'
29N23E21NE/4, NW/4Washoe161265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 42-2130 OCT 87Production800Range: 260F at 75' to 270' at 280'.
29N23E21NE/4, NW/4Washoe121265AMOR II CorporationObservation Well No. 305 FEB 87Observation300Range: 109F at 7' to 267F at 287'.
29N23E21NE/4, NW/4Washoe208265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 32A-2126 OCT 88P&A503Range: 100F at 10' to 235F at 493'.
29N23E21NE/4, NW/4Washoe204265San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 32-211988Observation430Range: 92F at 20' to 107F at 225'.
29N23E21NE/4, SE/4WashoeN-12586265Chevron Oil CompanyTemperature Gradient Hole29 JUL 76P&A500 
29N23E21NE/4, SW/4Washoe163265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 35-2109 DEC 87Injection306Range: 250F at 5 gpm between 150'-170'.
29N23E21NE/4, SW/4Washoe164265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 45-2101 DEC 87Injection800Range: 60F at 90' to 220F at 760'.
29N23E21NW/4, NE/4Washoe190265AMOR II CorporationSlim Hole D Expired  
29N23E21NW/4, NE/4Washoe136265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 52-2109 FEB 87Production300Range: 92F at 10' to 274F at 164'
29N23E21NW/4, NE/4Washoe162265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 52A-21 Expired  
29N23E21NW/4, NE/4Washoe111265AMOR II CorporationObservation Well No. 211 JAN 87Observation291Range: 183F at 10' to 291F at 275'
29N23E21NW/4, NW/4Washoe421265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 12-21 Expired  
29N23E21NW/4, NW/4Washoe173265Stewart, Michael B.Observation Well No. 06131 MAR 88Observation520Range: 67F at 0' to 243F at 360'
29N23E21SE/4, NE/4Washoe137265AMOR II CorporationObservation Well No. 6 Expired  
29N23E21SE/4, NE/4Washoe197265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 83-21 Expired  
29N23E21SE/4, NW/4Washoe123265AMOR II CorporationObservation Well No. 510 FEB 87Observation300Range: 161F at 16' to 260F at 295'.
29N23E21SE/4, NW/4Washoe422265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 33-21 Expired  
29N23E21SE/4, NW/4Washoe107265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 43-2111 JAN 87Production323Range: 103F at 13' to 227F at 230'
29N23E21SE/4, NW/4Washoe192265AMOR II CorporationSlim Hole F Expired  
29N23E21SE/4, NW/4Washoe105265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 43-2125 NOV 86Observation280Range: 132F at 10 to 280F at 210'.
29N23E21SW/4, NE/4Washoe189265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 63-2105 JUN 89Observation1960Range: 60F at 0' to 240F at 1200'.
29N23E21SW/4, NE/4Washoe122265AMOR II CorporationObservation Well No. 403 FEB 87Observation284 
29N23E21SW/4, NE/4Washoe187265AMOR II CorporationWell No. 53-2119 MAR 88Production350Average T 276F
29N23E21SW/4, NE/4WashoeN-12586265Chevron Oil CompanyTemperature Gradient Hole29 JUL 76P&A175 
29N36E02SE/4, NE/4Pershing 238Chevron U. S. A., Inc.Well No. 84-211 OCT 80P&A210497F at 1100'; 137F at 1200'; 190F TD
29N41E  Lander871(PA)151Ormat Nevada, Inc.Project Area    
29N41E22SW/4, SW/4Lander644151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-1 (27-22)22 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E23SE/4; NE/4Lander839151Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 72-23    
29N41E24NE/4, SE/4Lander663151Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 86-24    
29N41E24NE/4, SE/4Lander653151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-10 (75-24)17 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E24SE/4, SE/4Lander652151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-9 (86-24)30 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E25NE/4, SE/4Lander651151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-8 (75-25)11 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E25SE/4, NW/4Lander694151Ormat Nevada, Inc.Thermal Gradient 32-25    
29N41E25SW/4, SW/4Lander664151Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 17-25    
29N41E25SW/4, SW/4Lander650151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-7 (17-25)10 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E26NE/4, NW/4Lander665151Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 31-2626 JAN 08Drilled  
29N41E26SE/4, SE/4Lander649151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-6 (31-26)25 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E27NE/4, SE/4Lander646151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-3 (84-27)16 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E27SW/4, NW/4Lander645151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-2 (24-27)13 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E27SW/4, SW/4Lander662151Ormat Nevada, Inc.Observation Well 27-22    
29N41E34SE/4, SE/4Lander647151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-4 (52-34)07 MAY 07Drilled  
29N41E35SE/4, SE/4Lander648151Ormat Nevada, Inc.TG-BV-5 (66-35)01 MAY 07Drilled  
29N48E01 Eureka 096Magma Power CompanyHot Springs Point No. 1(?)1965???410Max T 166F
29N48E01SW/4, NW/4Eureka 096Chevron Oil CompanyHot Springs Point No. 121 DEC 75P&A2337140F
30N23E33NE/4, SW/4WashoeN2-18-77265Chevron Oil CompanyTest Well19 JUN 77 425'90F
30N23E33SE/4, SE/4WashoeN2-18-77265Chevron Oil CompanyTest Well20 JUN 77 500'78F
30N23E33SE/4, SW/4Washoe523265Empire Energy, LLCObservation Well 58-33 (PW-2) P&A  
30N35E08NE/4Pershing019 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 53-8 Expired  
30N35E12NW/4Pershing019 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 24-12 Expired  
30N35E15SE/4Pershing019 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 86-15 Expired  
30N35E25NW/4Pershing019 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 22-25 Expired  
30N35E28NW/4Pershing019 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 31-28 Expired  
30N35E32SE/4Pershing019 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 78-32 Expired  
31N33E03NE/4, NW/4Pershing511236Presco Energy LLCThermal Gradient Well P 3-1    
31N33E03NE/4, NW/4Pershing144236Florida Canyon Mining CompanyPegasus No. 5AUG 86Commercial(?)570Flowing 200-250 gpm at 200F
31N33E03NW/4PershingDWR-48998236Pegasus Gold CorporationProduction Well No. 128 APR 86 587212F
31N33E03SE/4, NW/4Pershing143236Florida Canyon Mining CompanyPegasus No. 1AUG 86Commercial(?)580Flowing 200-250 gpm at 200F
31N33E03SE/4; NE/4Pershing 236Union Oil CompanyCampbell No. 112 MAY 78Drilled6825' 
31N33E05SW/4, NE/4Pershing512236Presco Energy LLCThermal Gradient Well P 5-1    
31N33E10SW/4, NE/4Pershing513236Presco Energy LLCThermal Gradient Well P 10-1    
31N33E15NW/4, NW/4PershingDWR-34659236ChevronCampbell E No. 209 MAR 79 8061Range: 80F at 50' to 370F at 8061'
31N33E20SE/4, NE/4Pershing272236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipThermal Gradient Hole A24 NOV 93P&A300 
31N33E21NW/4, NE/4Pershing352236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 51-2116 APR 93Production4193 
31N33E21SE/4Pershing324236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipRP-H Expired  
31N33E21SE/4, SE/4PershingDWR-31850236ChevronCampbell E No. 122 DEC 77P&A(?)1853 
31N33E21SW/4, NE/4Pershing272236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipThermal Gradient Hole B24 NOV 93Monitoring300 
31N33E21SW/4, SE/4Pershing327236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 68-2116 APR 92P&A(?)5465Flows 1100 gpm at 310F
31N33E22SE/4, SW/4Pershing486236Mount Wheeler Power, Inc.Well No. MW-3    
31N33E22SW/4, SW/4Pershing484236Mount Wheeler Power, Inc.Well No. MW-1    
31N33E27NE/4, NW/4Pershing272236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipThermal Gradient Hole D24 NOV 93Monitoring300 
31N33E27NW/4, NW/4Pershing485236Mount Wheeler Power, Inc.Well No. MW-2    
31N33E27SW/4Pershing324236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipRP-I Expired  
31N33E28NE/4, NE/4Pershing353236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 71-28    
31N33E28NE/4, NE/4Pershing490236Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.Production Well No. 72-282001Drilled  
31N33E28NE/4, NE/4Pershing345236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 46-2825 JAN 93Geothermal5119 
31N33E28NE/4, NW/4Pershing354236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 42A (44)-28 (42-28 Redrill)08 SEP 93Production4186 
31N33E28NE/4, NW/4Pershing354236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 42-2809 APR 93Production5213 
31N33E28NE/4, SW/4Pershing284236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 46-28M15 OCT 91P&A247 
31N33E28NE/4, SW/4Pershing346236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 62-2802 JAN 93Drilled  
31N33E28NW/4, NE/4Pershing348236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 52-2814 FEB 93Production3336Geothermal zone: 321F
31N33E28SE/4, NE/4Pershing487236Mount Wheeler Power, Inc.Well No. MW-4    
31N33E28SE/4, NW/4Pershing286236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 44-2808 DEC 91P&A(?)3475Range: 304F at 0' to 370F at 2080'
31N33E28SE/4, SW/4Pershing272236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipThermal Gradient Hole F24 NOV 93Monitoring300 
31N33E28SW/4, NE/4Pershing272236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipThermal Gradient Hole E24 NOV 93Monitoring300 
31N33E28SW/4, NE/4Pershing351236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipWell No. 63-2813 MAR 93Geothermal2022 
31N33E28SW/4, NW/4Pershing488236Mount Wheeler Power, Inc.Well No. MW-5    
31N33E29NE/4, NE/4Pershing272236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipThermal Gradient Hole C Not drilled  
31N33E32NE/4, NE/4Pershing272236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipThermal Gradient Hole G24 NOV 93P&A300 
31N33E33SE/4Pershing324236Rye Patch Limited PartnershipRP-J Expired  
31N35E28SW/4Pershing019 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 27-28 Expired  
31N35E34SE/4Pershing019 Union Oil Company of CaliforniaWell No. 77-34 Expired  
31N47E13SE/4, SE/4Lander267094Beowawe Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 77-1303 JUL 91Production8205Max T: 401F
31N47E13SE/4, SE/4Lander012094Beowawe Geothermal Power CompanyGinn No. 1-1313 JUN 74Production9563Average T 315F
31N47E13SE/4, SE/4, SE/4Lander013094Beowawe Geothermal Power CompanyGinn No. 2-1310 Sep 86Production7000Average T about 310F
31N47E13SW/4, SE/4Lander565094Beowawe Power, LLCIndustrial Production Well 57-13 Drilled  
31N48E17NE/4, SW/4Eureka 094Sierra Pacific Power CompanySierra No. 21964Abandoned397 
31N48E17NE/4, SW/4Eureka 094Sierra Pacific Power CompanySierra No. 11964Abandoned927178F at TD
31N48E17NW/4, NW/4Eureka 094Sierra Pacific Power CompanySierra No. 415 FEB 65 1005Range: 215F at 726' to 270F at 920'.
31N48E17NW1/4, NE1/4Lander011094Beowawe Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 52-1705 JUL 75Injection6,000 
31N48E17SE/4, NW/4Eureka 094Chevron Geothermal CompanyBeowawe No. 21959(?)P&A715Range: 258F at 50' to 305F at 600'
31N48E17SE/4, NW/4Eureka 094Chevron Geothermal CompanyBeowawe No. 11959(?)???1918 
31N48E17SE/4, NW/4Eureka 094Vulcan Thermal Power CompanyVulcan No. 41961 767Range: 329F at 21' to 388F at 648'.
31N48E17SE/4, NW/4Eureka 094Vulcan Thermal Power CompanyVulcan No. 31960???715Range: 356F at 21' to 380F at 960'.
31N48E17SW/4, NE/4Eureka 094Vulcan Thermal Power CompanyVulcan No. 61963???478Range: 182F at 70' to 282F at 460'
31N48E17SW/4, NE/4Eureka 094Vulcan Thermal Power CompanyVulcan No. 51962Abandoned237 
31N48E17SW/4, NE/4EurekaW-084094Getty Oil CompanyCollins No. 76-1717 SEP 81 9,005 
31N48E17SW/4, NW/4Eureka 094Vulcan Thermal Power CompanyVulcan No. 11960 715Range: 220F at 50' to 323F at 623'.
31N48E17SW/4, NW/4Eureka 094Chevron U. S. A., Inc.Beowawe No. 33-1718 Jan 80 1600 
31N48E17SW/4, NW/4Eureka 094Chevron U. S. A., Inc.Beowawe No. 34-1730 JAN 81 720 
31N48E17SW/4, NW/4Eureka630094Beowawe Power, LLCVulcan No. 205 NOV 62Observation713Range: 295F at 150' to 339F at 500'.
31N48E17SW/4, NW/4Eureka 094Sierra Pacific Power CompanySierra No. 311 MAR 65 2052Range: 140F at 15' to 380F at 1375'.
31N48E18NE/4, NE/4, SE/4Lander383094Beowawe Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 85-1801 JUN 80Injection5927 
31N48E18NE/4, SE/4LanderN-10916094Chevron U. S. A., Inc.Well No. 76-181980(?) 4000 
31N48E18NE/4, SE/4Lander374094Beowawe Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 85A-18 Expired  
31N48E19NW/4, NW/4Lander629094Beowawe Power, LLCRossi No. 21-1904 JAN 80Observation7212Range: 88F at 500' to 390F at 5000'
31N59E11SE1/4, SW1/4Elko 083Union Oil CompanyStonier No. 201 JUN 79???3149 
31N59E11SE1/4, SW1/4Elko 083Union Oil CompanyStonier No. 11979   
32N23E03SW/4, SE/4Washoe407PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 67-3 Expired  
32N23E03SW/4, SE/4Washoe633261Gerlach Green Energy, LLCIndustrial Production Well 68-3 Drilled  
32N23E09NE/4, SE/4Washoe350261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 76-921 JUN 93P&A2997 
32N23E09SE/4, SE/4Washoe 261CorderoGerlach No. 329 JUN 72???365Boiling
32N23E10NE/4, NW/4Washoe399PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well No. 2A Expired  
32N23E10NE/4, NW/4Washoe408PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 42-10 Expired  
32N23E10NE/4, NW/4Washoe398PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well No. 221 JUN 94Drilled  
32N23E10NE/4, SE/4Washoe400PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well No. 8 Expired  
32N23E10NE/4, SW/4Washoe366261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Gerlach 10-C Expired  
32N23E10NW/4, SW/4Washoe396PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well No. 5 Expired  
32N23E10NW/4, SW/4Washoe394PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well No. 5 Expired  
32N23E10SE/4, NW/4Washoe397PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well No. 4 Expired  
32N23E10SE/4, SW/4Washoe331261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 38-1010 AUG 93P&A3187 
32N23E10SW/4, NW/4Washoe406PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 23-10 Expired  
32N23E10SW/4, NW/4Washoe365261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Gerlach 10-A Expired  
32N23E10SW/4, NW/4Washoe393PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well No. 330 MAY 94Drilled  
32N23E10SW/4, NW/4Washoe395PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well (GTG) No. 704 JUN 94P&A800133F at 785'
32N23E10SW/4, SW/4Washoe491261Peregrine Properties, LLCDomestic Well No. 1    
32N23E10SW/4, SW/4Washoe367261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Gerlach 10-E Expired  
32N23E10SW/4, SW/4Washoe401PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well No. 9 Expired  
32N23E10SW/4, SW/4Washoe412PA261San Emidio Resources, Inc.Well No. 18-10 Drilled  
32N23E15NE/4, SE/4Washoe041261Courtney, Cecil and LenaDomestic1985Domestic200 
32N23E15NW/4, SE/4Washoe 261Gerlach Hot SpringsGeothermal Well27 MAY 84 155195F
32N23E15NW/4, SW/4Washoe 261CorderoGerlach No. 127 MAY 72 660 
32N23E15SE/4Washoe222261Gerlach General Improvement DistrictInjection Well24 AUG 89Injection200150 gpm at 157F.
32N23E15SE/4Washoe098261Deveny, DanDomesticJAN 87Domestic20070 gpm at 95F
32N23E15SE/4, NE/4Washoe 261CorderoGerlach No. 205 JUN 72 6606 gpm at 80F
32N23E15SW/4, SW/4WashoeDWR-35305261Oxbow Geothermal CorporationHLR-1-15-G06 FEB 79P&A5871 
32N33E32NE/4, SW/4Pershing515236Presco Energy LLCThermal Gradient Well P 32-2    
32N33E32SW/4, NE/4Pershing514236Presco Energy LLCThermal Gradient Well P 32-1    
32N38E36NW1/4, NW1/4Pershing 235SunedcoU. S. A. No. 11-3602 JUL 80P&A8,565Range: 124F at 500' to 258F at 8526'
33N40E03SW/4, NW/4Churchill738143Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyPV TG-7 Drilled  
33N40E04NW/4, SW/4Humboldt608146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-N    
33N40E04SW/4, NW/4, SW/4HumboldtDWR-27164146Magma Power Company, Inc.Tipton No. 119 DEC 74 3,071Max T: 104C at TD
33N40E05NE/4, NE/4Humboldt599146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-C30 AUG 05Drilled  
33N40E05SW/4, NE/4Humboldt603146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-B    
33N40E09NE/4, NE/4Churchill739143Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyTG-8    
33N40E09NW/4, NE/4Humboldt607146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyObservation Well PVTG-310 SEP 05Drilled  
33N40E09NW/4, NW/4Humboldt604146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-A    
33N40E09NW/4, NW/4Churchill742143Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyPV TG-5 Drilled  
33N40E09NW/4, SW/4Humboldt782146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 61-9    
33N40E09SE/4, SW/4Churchill741143Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyTG-10    
33N40E09SW/4, NE/4Churchill740143Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyPV TG-9 Drilled  
33N40E27SW/4, SW/4Humboldt602146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-K    
33N40E33NW/4, NE/4Humboldt596146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-I    
33N40E33NW/4, NW/4Humboldt597146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-H12 SEP 05Drilled  
33N40E33SE/4, NE/4Humboldt601146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-J17 SEP 05Drilled  
33N40E33SE/4, NW/4Humboldt598146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-G    
33N40E33SE/4, SW/4Humboldt600146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient PVTG-E24 AUG 05Drilled  
33N52E22NW1/4, SE1/4ElkoNEV-60011080Elko County School DistrictCarlin High School1985P&A90488F at discharge.
33N57E20 Elko828 Ash, LouisDomestic    
34N23E01NW/4, SE/4, NE/4Washoe 258CorderoCordero Fly No. 114 JUN 72 660108F
34N23E02NE/4Washoe 258U. S. Geological SurveyTest Hole BR AH-91973???102Hot
34N23E02NE/4, NE/4Washoe516258SB Geo, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well 72-02-TG (No. 1-2-FR)13 APR 79P&A5213Estimated at well head: 100F
34N23E02SW/4Washoe 258Western Geothermal, Inc.Fly Ranch No. 11964 1000440 gpm at 207F
34N23E11NE/4, NW/4Washoe 258CorderoCordero Fly No. 228 JUL 72 714 
34N23E12NE/4, NE/4Washoe520258SB Geo, Inc.Thermal Gradient Well 11-12-TG    
34N23E35 Washoe 259Western Geothermal, Inc.Granite Creek Ranch No. 1(?)1965???800 
34N23E35SE/4, SE/4Washoe 259CorderoCordero Fly No. 304 AUG 72???462Hot
34N40E33SE/4, SE/4Churchill737146Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyTG-6    
34N55E11NE/4, NW/4Elko104078Elko County School DistrictInjection Well No. 121 JUL 86Injection(?)350 
34N55E11NE/4, NW/4Elko083078Elko County School DistrictObservation Well No. 121 JUL 86Injection(?)350 
34N55E11SW/4, NE/4Elko193078Pace EnterprisesCommercial Well06 SEP 88P&A2050127F at 2000', no water.
34N55E21 Elko 078Nevada GreenWell No. 128 SEP 79Drilled105140F
34N55E21SE/4, NE/4Elko 078Nevada GreenWell No. 425 JUL 80Drilled30 
34N55E21SE/4, NE/4Elko 078Nevada GreenWell No. 325 JUL 80Drilled40142F
34N55E21SE/4, NE/4Elko 078Nevada GreenWell No. 225 JUL 80Drilled30136F
34N60E34SW/4, NW/4Elko082 Gibbs, W. H., CompanyMineral Extraction Project at Gibbs Ranch Expired  
35N43E01NW/4; NE/4Humboldt931144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG1-1    
35N43E03NE/4; SE/4Humboldt932144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG3-1    
35N43E07CHumboldt933144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG7-1    
35N43E09SW/4, NW/4Humboldt934144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG9-1    
35N43E11SE/4, SW/4Humboldt935144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG11-1    
35N43E15CHumboldt937144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG15-1    
35N43E23NE/4, SE/4Humboldt938144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG23-1    
35N43E27CHumboldt939144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG27-1    
35N43E31NW/4, NE/4Humboldt940144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG31-1    
35N43E33CHumboldt941144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG33-1    
35N43E33NW/4, NW/4Humboldt942144Hot Pot Geothermal, LLCHP TG33-2    
36N34E  Humboldt605PABlue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyProject Area    
36N34E01NE/4, SE/4, SW/4Humboldt548Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-311 SEP 04Drilled  
36N34E01SE/4, NW/4, SW/4Humboldt545Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-1    
36N34E01SW/4, NW/4, SW/4Humboldt546Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-1A    
36N34E01SW/4, SE/4, SE/4Humboldt547Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-228 AUG 04Drilled  
36N34E10NE/4, SE/4Humboldt840Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 76-10 Permit Changed  
36N34E10NW/4, SE/4Humboldt778Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well 55-10    
36N34E11NE/4, SW/4Humboldt764Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well No. 89-11 (36-11) Drilled  
36N34E11NE/4, SW/4Humboldt772Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyWell TG-18 Drilled  
36N34E11NE/4, SW/4, SE/4Humboldt550Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-409 SEP 04Drilled  
36N34E11NW/4, SW/4, NW/4Humboldt553Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-6    
36N34E11SE/4, NW/4Humboldt763Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well No. 13-11 Drilled  
36N34E11SE/4, NW/4Humboldt804Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 34-11    
36N34E11SE/4, NW/4, NE/4Humboldt549Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-3A    
36N34E11SE/4, SE/4Humboldt875Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 98-11    
36N34E11SW/4, NE/4Humboldt765Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well No. 63-11    
36N34E11SW/4, SW/4Humboldt771Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyWell TG-17 Drilled  
36N34E12SE/4, SE/4, NE/4Humboldt551Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-4A    
36N34E13NW/4, NW/4, NW/4Humboldt552Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-509 MAY 04Drilled  
36N34E14NE/4, NE/4, SE/4Humboldt554Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-8A    
36N34E14NE/4, NW/4Humboldt758Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 42-14    
36N34E14NE/4, SW/4Humboldt759Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 45-14    
36N34E14NW/4, NW/4Humboldt613Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient Well 726 JUN 06Drilled  
36N34E14NW/4, NW/4Humboldt757Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 21-14    
36N34E14NW/4, SE/4Humboldt640Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 66-1406 SEP 06Drilled  
36N34E14NW/4, SW/4Humboldt755Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 15-14 Drilled  
36N34E14NW/4, SW/4Humboldt617Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 26A-1413 SEP 06Drilled2815Maximum T 371.0F
36N34E14NW/4, SW/4Humboldt636Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 44-14 (26-14)01 MAR 08Drilled3600Maximum T 357.8F
36N34E14SE/4, SW-4Humboldt500Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyDeep Blue No. 1 Drilled2815 
36N34E14SE/4, SW/4Humboldt760Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 47-14    
36N34E14SW/4, NE/4Humboldt532Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyDeep Blue No. 2 Drilled5000 
36N34E14SW/4, NW/4Humboldt635Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 23-1413 SEP 07Drilled3415Maximum T 370.5F
36N34E14SW/4, NW/4Humboldt754Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 14-14 Drilled  
36N34E14SW/4, SW/4Humboldt756Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well No. 17-14 Drilled  
36N34E14SW/4, SW/4Humboldt637Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 25-14 (28-14)11 JAN 08Drilled2370Maximum T 374.0F
36N34E14SW/4, SW/4Humboldt618Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 38-1406 JUL 07Drilled5426Maximum T 359.0F
36N34E14SW/4, SW/4Humboldt615Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient Well 15 Expired  
36N34E15NE/4, SE/4Humboldt767Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well No. 85-15    
36N34E15NW/4, NW/4Humboldt770Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyWell TG-16 Drilled  
36N34E15NW/4, SE/4Humboldt766Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well No. 55-15    
36N34E15NW/4, SW/4Humboldt844Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 51-15    
36N34E15SE/4, SE/4Humboldt768Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well No. 57-15 (88-15)    
36N34E15SE/4, SE/4, SE/4Humboldt559Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-14A    
36N34E15SE/4, SE/4, SW/4Humboldt558Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-14    
36N34E15SW/4, NE/4Humboldt845Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 53-15    
36N34E15SW/4, SE/4Humboldt846Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 58A-15 Drilled  
36N34E15SW/4, SE/4Humboldt619Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Production Well 58-1515 MAY 08Drilling  
36N34E15SW/4, SE/4Humboldt887Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 58B(52-22)-15    
36N34E15SW/4, SW/4, NE/4Humboldt557Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-1318 SEP 04Drilled  
36N34E22NE/4, NE/4Humboldt886Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 71-22    
36N34E22NW/4, NE/4Humboldt922Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 61A-22    
36N34E22NW/4, NE/4Humboldt885Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 61-22    
36N34E22NW/4, NW/4Humboldt842Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 22-11    
36N34E22NW/4, SE/4Humboldt779Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well 55-22    
36N34E22NW/4, SW/4Humboldt843Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 25-11    
36N34E22SE/4, NE/4Humboldt841Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Injection Well No. 84-22    
36N34E22SW/4, SE/4Humboldt614Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient Well 1223 JUN 06Drilled  
36N34E23NE/4, NW/4Humboldt847Blue Mtn.NGP Blue Mountain 1, LLCIndustrial Production Well No. 42-23    
36N34E23NW/4, NW/4Humboldt769Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyIndustrial Injection Well No. 12-23    
36N34E23SE/4, NW/4Humboldt639Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyWell No. 34-23 Drilled  
36N34E23SE/4, SW/4, NE/4Humboldt556Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-10    
36N34E23SE/4, SW/4, SE/4Humboldt555Blue Mtn.Nevada Geothermal Power CompanyThermal Gradient TG-915 SEP 04Drilled  
36N40E28NW/4, SW/4Humboldt145139Nevada Pacific Geothermal, Inc.Well No. 5 Expired  
36N40E29NE/4, SE/4Humboldt145139Nevada Pacific Geothermal, Inc.Well No. 4 Expired  
36N40E29NW/4, SE/4Humboldt145139Nevada Pacific Geothermal, Inc.Well No. 2 Expired  
36N40E29SE/4, NE/4Humboldt145139Nevada Pacific Geothermal, Inc.Well No. 3 Expired  
36N40E29SW/4, SE/4Humboldt145139Nevada Pacific Geothermal, Inc.Well No. 1 Expired  
37N62E04SW1/4, SE/4Elko106073Wells Rural Electric CompanyDomestic Well24 OCT 85Drilled795Average annual T for 1986-88: 87F-94.5F
37N62E10SW/4, NE/4Elko622073Voiska King, LPCommercial Production Well No. 129 MAR 06Drilled  
41N52E  Elko673(PA)060TG Power, LLC.Hot Sulfur Springs Project Area    
41N52E  Elko526PA060Earth Power Resources, Inc.Project Area    
41N52E05NW/4, SE/4Elko923060HSS II, LLCTuscarora 66-525 APR 80P&A5456Max T: 200F
41N52E05SE/4, SE/4Elko674 TG Power, LLC.Observation Well 87-5 Drilled  
41N52E08NE/4, NE/4Elko689060TG Power, LLCIndustiral Production Well 57-8 Drilled  
41N52E08NE/4, NE/4Elko690060TG Power, LLCIndustiral Production Well 72-8 Drilled  
41N52E08NE/4, SE/4Elko675060TG Power, LLCIndustrial Production Well 65-8 Drilled  
41N52E08NE/4, SE/4Elko528060Earth Power Resources, Inc.Observation Well 67-8    
41N52E08S1/2, NW1/4ElkoN-12247060Amax Exploration, Inc.Well No. 64-803 SEP 82 2026 
41N52E08SW/4, NE/4Elko527060Earth Power Resources, Inc.Production Well 46-8    
41N52E09NW1/4, NE1/4ElkoN-12247060Amax Exploration, Inc.Well No. 51-916 DEC 80Drilled3125100F
41N52E16NE1/4, NW1/4ElkoN-12247060Amax Exploration, Inc.Well No. 41-1625 NOV 81 2505 
41N52E17NE/4, NW/4Elko716060TG Power, LLCIndustrial Production Well 53-8 (72-17) Drilled  
42N19E03SE/4 SE/4Washoe 254U. S. Geological Survey49 Lake - Test Well No. 11975P & A513 16.6C at 400'; 18.5C at 450'
42N20E04SW/4 SW/4Washoe 254U. S. Geological SurveyLong Valley East - Test Well No. 21975P & A600 20.4C at 500'; 21C at 540' (?)
43N19E12SW/4 SW/4Washoe 254U. S. Geological SurveyAlkali Lake - Test Well No. 31975P & A510 19.5C at 500'
43N55E04SE/4, SE/4Elko069 Corbari, ArchieMineral Extraction Project at Wildhorse Ranch20 JAN 88Commercial(?)160 
47N28E14NE/4, SW/4HumboldtN-17278111Earth Power Production CompanyWell No. 45-1401 NOV 82 2529 
47N65E15SE1/4, SW1/4Elko235 Y-3 II RanchFish Pond Well No. 315 JUN 76Irrigation1255Average T: 98F
47N65E15SW1/4, SE1/4Elko236 Y-3 II RanchHot Pond Well No. 430 MAY 81Irrigation1585Average T: 107F

R. Hess 8/4/09